The above image shows a parallel between these three items. Not to rule over, but to LEAD well into the things of Christ. And now, look at for each of you, what that looks like, and increase the understanding of what that love looks like.
Husbands, what does it look like to lead wives with love without demanding submission, but rather with a tenderness and affection that nonverbally commands their respect? There is a massive difference between demanding respect and commanding respect. One difference is in your earned authority. Think deeply about what it looks like to earn authority and walk in your office of husband properly.
I understand that abuse of spouses has led to lack of basic trust. I was the victim of spousal abuse.
Before we launch into a diatribe of how one side or the other of this equation is missing the boat, let’s handle our own issues, woundedness, trauma, parts, and sin, rebellion, iniquity, and abomination. We have to grow into all things in Him, which means, we speak to the fullness of these dynamics.
So, our responsibility is to flesh out the hard questions.
Indeed, we will have to eventually look at the concept of submission. Wives, once trust has been actually restored, beyond mutual respect, what does that ugly S-word a look like in the context of a husband’s affection? Affirming the design of your husband or wife (the building and warrior dynamics of your spouse) and affirming the where of their design for leadership, what does that complex thing look like?
Fathers, what kind of method includes instruction and training that does not exasperate or provoke to wrath or exasperation?
Masters, what does it look like to lead those who serve you without threats?
Believers, what does it look like to supply/making supplication for your household of fellows in Christ?
Ponder this with me, builders and warriors.
Not, “what has John MacArthur or Beth Moore or Arthur Burk said?”, but what are the Lord and your spirit saying about these items?