I invite your spirit forward in the name of Yeshua.
Spirit, listen to the word of El Shaddai for you for today.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
From Psalm 23:4 ESV
The One who is with us….
No matter who else is here, He is with us and makes himself available to us.
In the midst of being chased by the shadows of death, not even the reality of death.
Even when the enemy or the shadows of his coming take hold of us, the L-rd has given us Himself to protect us from the wolves that come in the shadows. When death comes at night, the Light is in the darkness with us.
He created that darkness and that night to be the cooling-off period, not the destruction of hearts nor the fracturing of spirit or soul.
Beautiful spirit, no matter what, the Father of Lights and the Bridegroom, and the Fairest of Ten Thousand is aligned in tenderness with you.
So, spirit, I bless you.
I bless you with weapons to fight, even in the womb.
I bless you with the bow and the arrows the King gives you to fight.
I bless your placenta to be full and whole and holy and for the season for which the amount designed it to function.
I bless you to know His fire and light and His heart to protect and beat back the acusare of the brethren.
I bless you to perpetually know He is with you.
I bless you with a revelation of the love both your father and mother who have fought years in advance for you to be.
I bless you to be the recipient of every good and perfect gift.
I bless you to know deeply an unshakable knowing of Him who calls you.
I bless you beyond with knowing His presence in both the present and the future.
I bless you to be not shaken by dread of the enemy’s coming.
I bless you to echo the reality that says, “where, death, is your sting?”
I bless you to know the precise opposite of fear.
I bless you to know the King’s surpassing power, love, tenderness, self-control, self-discipline, and a sound mind.
I bless you with these blessings, dear and beautiful spirit, in the name of Yeshua.