There is wind that is too strong.
There are materials that are too weak.
The glider you built broke the arm of the photographer that was holding onto your experiment. And he is laying with broken arm in the midst of the wreckage of recently-successful dream.
There are people in your hometown that are cussing you out, even believers doing the same, saying you cannot do this. You aren’t allowed.
You didn’t follow the protocol.
You didn’t have the permission of your apostolic covering.
You disobeyed the voice of the prophets who told you you were throwing hatchets at the moon.
You bit off more than you could chew.
The problem is, everything around you on this barren beach known for common hurricanes and the destruction of of the Queen Anne’s Revenge is also the land of your destiny.
You see, Prophet land in a Teacher State can be incredibly unforgiving. Even downright asshole-ish. Just like Prophets and Teachers are frequently.
And for those of you who are thinking I am talking about Fivefold Prophets and Teachers, I am never talking about Fivefold Prophets and Teachers as popularly described.
I am talking about Redemptive Gift Prophets and Teachers. Designed and hardwired to be two of the more unforgiving gifts when it comes to getting their crafts right.
Prophets abide by principles with relentless intensity and are obsessive with whether or not someone did the right thing out of moral considerations. Few things appeal to them as much as a blank slate or an empty canvas on which to create. Wide open spaces, so they can go wide open with the throttle.
Teachers, on the other hand, are meticulous to making sure the details are ironed out. There is no detail a Teacher does not like completely dialed-in. There is a precision and a perfection and a slow, gradual, and ponderous depth in which they check and double-check, perfect, tweak, and adjust everything.
There are people who want you to stay in your bicycle shop.
They don’t care how many years you have spent honing your skill or developing your craft.
They want to maintain the status quo.
And you do not maintain the status quo when you go looking from problems, looking for trouble.
Much less when the L-rd brings you problems, and others viciously yell at you that you should not have problems because problems are not the children’s bread.
Nevertheless, We walk with a Father who is so completely and in totality multifaceted of Himself and He is A Fire That Constantly Is Consuming Itself that He cannot help but to bring all of his greatest problems to those He trusts the most: us, humans, His sons.
You see, and yet you might not see. So, a couple of verses for you.
Gen. 22:2 He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”
Ex. 4:22 Then you shall say to Pharaoh, “Thus says the L-RD, ‘Israel is my firstborn son,'”
Okay, I know some people might get ticked off at the idea of me using a Nicene line (NEWS FLASH: I dislike Constantine more than all of you combined, but I am also aware of Athanasius’ contribution to the creeds and I am grateful for his presence in the cloud of witnesses and contribution to Christian Theology), but this line communicates the eternality of the reality of the sacrament between the Father and Son.
“Eternally begotten of G-d.”
Gang, there was a time when G-d the Father was not Creator, but there was never a time when the Son was not. He was eternally begotten of the Father. Meaning, there was a time when G-d was Creator, but there was not a time when He was not Father. The Son was always there. And the Spirit was always there. And because Jesus died on the cross, the Father knew what it was like to be alone and apart from the Son. Therefore, it is not good for man to be alone….I will make him a partner, battle buddy, a helper suitable for and corresponding to him, a Ginny to his Harry, a Han to his Leia, a Eowyn to His Faramir, a red to his blue, a Prophet to his Mercy.
So much in this. Problems are made to be solved, and this causes humans to get unpacked, as happened in Dare County those 121 years ago. Problems were tackled and destiny was stepped into.
Just do it, my loves.