The Redemptive Gift of Yeshua

So, there is still a lot of curiosity, and I could never exhaust this topic.
But, there is still floating around this idea that Our L-rd was a combination of all seven RG’s, based on the early teachings of our mutual friend, Arthur Burk.
Let me say, unequivocally, that He was born fully-G-d and fully man.  With a soul like our, that was singular, and with a spirit like ours, that was divided into seven portions.
And let’s look at the textual evidence first.  Setting aside what Arthur said, let’s look at our main sources for understanding on the life of the Son of G-d.
The Gospels.
I would like to consider a couple of texts for our purposes, starting with Matthew 11.
We know John the Baptizer was clearly hardwired with the Redemptive Gift of Prophet.  And he was hardcore.  John Sandford, in his book that sets the standard for our understanding for the Office of Prophet, The Elijah Task, made the observation that the Baptizer had a camel-hair shirt that was turned inside out, and that this was a way of putting his skin into a place of continual flagellation.  Anyone who has touched a camel would get an understanding of such a garment would afflict the skin.  It is not the softest material.
John breathed the judgments of G-d on the Pharisees repeatedly.
He also never, never associated with people in crowds by choice.  He was in the lonely places of Judea, and the crowds had to come to him in order to speak to them, and he was a fireball to ANYONE to whom He spoke.
Now, look at our L-rd, Messiah Yeshua.
He was in the lonely places by choice and by need, but he also spent his ministry with people constantly.  He was a General Contractor, and by nature of that job, dealt with people, subcontractors, owners, tenants, and other people incessantly.  And He went to Zacheeus out of the crowd and in the midst of the crowd.  And He compelled specific people to come with him, including Matthew, the…
And the wedding feast in Cana, when He bartended to a bunch of inebriated wedding guests.
And the friend……
Of sinners….
And he spoke to them, as a man speaks to his friend….
And He wept….
Over the man Lazurus…
As a man weeps for His friend…
And we with unveiled faces….
Beheld His glory…the presentation of the Man who was full of Grace and Truth.
And He made known to them, the nature of His Father, their Father…
He knew and processed the nature of G-d, who is a good Father.
He was not a machine Ruler, though He understood the principles of Freedom and Sonship.
He was a social without exception Exhortery Exhorter.
He suffered much pain, and dealt with the Exhorter’s Principle in the hardest manifestations.  And possessed His birthright.
Because He will not rest until His Father’s house is FULL OF PEOPLE WHO ARE HIS FAMILY.
G-d is willing that NONE should perish.  G-d is willing that ALL should come to repentance.
That none should perish.
G-d loves cities.
Who told you this, David?
20 years ago, an Argentine Exhorter by the name of Ed SIlvoso told me this in a church in DeLand, Florida, named First Assembly of G-d, pastored by an Exhorter.
Yes, yes, Exhorter, it is your job to mess up the church with the new revelation that the body is missing.
That His house may be FULL…
11:00 in, gang.

“What we see in Scripture is process. There’s one snippet that we have as an example of process, and that is G-d’s passion for cleansing the land from death.  It is going to take seven months after the Battle of Armageddon for the specified teams to find every piece of human flesh and bone and give it a proper burial.  That is process. The King doesn’t just come in and fix Israel overnight.  He takes the remnant of people that are left after the tribulation and gives them process tasks, and I believe that the Millenium is going to be a process of the church learning from Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate Exhorter–He walked in the Redemptive Gift of Exhortation–we are going to learn from Him principle after principle about how to heal our ecological mess, and today we need to LEAN INTO it, not with the fear and the panic that the ecology movement is perpetuating, not with a sense of lack or poverty, but with biblical principles.
Arthur Burk, The Majesty of His Artistry, Disc 5, Cut 7, “Measurable, Verifiable, Sustained Change, Timestamp 1:32-2:47

And the Exhorter’s playing field is the Principles, and showing cause and effect.  It is not the Prophet, who is designed to use principles to build with.  But the Exhorter is designed to do principles nonstop.  Lots and lots of Principles and Revelation.
Moses, Solomon, and Paul were all Exhorters, and they FLOWED in Principles.
And the Sermon on the mount and the parables are Principles all.
And, here is a final piece. Listen carefully.  Every fight that He picked with a Pharisee was over a principle that He was giving to them, to help fill out what was missing from their theology.  They, Teachers, missed the one thing.  Hello, Philistines.  This is why the Exhorter and the Teacher go so well together, hand in glove.
So, there you go, gang.
This is my analysis, and this happens to also be Arthur’s analysis.
Enjoy it.

A Proper and Astounding Exegetical Hermeneutic of Romans 8:31 and Some Consequences of Choosing the Wrong Adversary

This video is what a Teacher/Exhorter combo looks like leading worship.
I think one of the best hermeneutical expressions of Romans 8:31 is found in the Amanda Cook cut, “You Make Me Brave”, from the CD of the same name.

You are for us.
You are not against us.

Rather than drawing the focus to “the big, evil others out there who could be against us”, this simple line maintains the focus on the L-rd, who is definitely in our corner, as at a boxing match, or race, cheering us on.  It focuses on the relationship between the Father and His sons, us.
We have so many expressions of “G-d is on our side” that often let the focus drift to the idea or implication that those enemies of the moment that we have are also His enemies, while failing to realize that “if our enemy has a drivers’ license and a Social Security Number, we have the wrong enemy” (Ed Silvoso).
It is completely needful that we have an understanding that our enemies, as in the demonic forces, are not a match for G-d’s surpassing power.  But if we assume a victim mentality or enshroud ourselves in a victim spirit, and assume that people we don’t like are people that G-d is against, when the L-rd Yeshua died for them, in the same fashion He died for us (while we were yet sinners-Romans 5:8), and we assume that G-d is going to hurt those who hurt us, and we behave as spoiled brats when He does not get them back for hurting us, then we might need to reevaluate Romans 8:31.
Cook, a worship leader in Redding, California, on the other hand, does not have our enemies in view, but rather our relationship with G-d, which is transformed from an adversarial relationship in Romans 5:6-9 to a relationship that is affectionate in Romans 8.
Provided we walk in the spirit….
There is a multifaceted dynamic present in Romans 8 that I covered in brief in my previous post that shows the reality of being “in the Spirit” as opposed to “in the flesh”.
We are transformed from adversaries to friends.  And it is not our adversaries in the natural realm that G-d is against, but rather our adversaries in the spiritual realm.
Let me also put a second spin on it. Repeating from above, G-d is not against our natural adversaries, but our spiritual adversaries.
Further, G-d is against HIS adversaries in the natural realm.
And we should exercise caution in assuming we know who His adversaries are in the natural realm, given He died for all of us while we were against Him.  The handing out of labels is something that G-d takes very, very seriously, and we should exercise caution when considering the option of labeling others when He has not labeled them.
This dynamic right here is one specific reason why developing a hard heart keeps us from seeing clearly.   Hard hearts can clearly see their rights, but they often cannot see the subtleties of G-d in a situation.
Look at the context of Matthew 19:1-10.  The text of Matthew 19:1-10 is in dealing with divorce because of adultery.
Looking at the context, which is Matthew 18:21-35 (and add to this the parallel topic passage of Luke 17:1-5), Yeshua dealt with unforgiveness in interpersonal relationships. This segment that covers offended hearts that have grown crunchy toward the Gracious King leads into the discussion on divorce, and is tied to that passage in Matthew 19 by way of Matthew 19:1’s transition; Matthew 18:21-35 is the frame for Matthew 19:1-10.
The issue is not whether we can divorce those who have cheated on us and remarry, there is no question that we can.  The more sensitive and subtle issue in this passage is making sure our hearts are in a soft and tender place.
Consider this, which formed the basis for our discussion in home group this past Sunday on the Bait of Satan.
Abishai, in 1 Samuel 26, was ready to run Saul through with the spear.  The L-rd had put Saul, Abner, and the entire army with Saul into a deep sleep from the L-rd (1 Sam. 26:12). He was poised with Saul’s spear over the king.  And at this time the L-rd had departed from Saul.
Why did the L-rd put this army, and this wicked king, into a deep sleep?
“Answer: to test David.”
“To see if David is going to be another Saul.  Is he going to remain a man after the heart of G-d, or is he going to take matters into his own hands?” (John Bevere: The Bait of Satan Lesson 3, “My Father, My Father”).
The L-rd never spoke during this passage, and David, who knew the heart of G-d because of all of those years with the sheep getting close to G-d, understood what the silences of G-d meant, and what a deep sleep means.  He had the opportunity to be delivered from this wicked man, and yet, he chose to honor him as the L-rd’s anointed.
As a matter of fact, when Saul was slain, David commanded all Israel to learn a song that said, “SAUL and Johnathan, beloved and lovely…”.
Now, does that sound like the heart of a man who was offended (knowing Mercies the way we do, no one usually takes up an offense faster for another party than a Mercy)?  Not at all.
David still treated Saul with an above-and-beyond attitude even when Saul pursued him.
And his heart remained soft.
Our hearts as well, in dealing with our enemies, should not grow dull.  But remain soft and pliable.  Tears, weeping, mourning, brokenness are what help that process.  When we turn from our adversaries and turn to G-d, then in that moment we can receive clarity as we are laying in Papa’s lap dealing with our strong emotions (Psalm 39:12, 56:8).  This is how we transform pain into productive pain, by asking G-d to step into the midst of our pain and helping us to process it in order to see where He is at work in it.
If we can step away from a betrayal or from an adversary with a heart that seeks G-d and what He is doing in the midst of a painful process, then we can grow, and that process will help to ensure our hearts stay soft.   But so many people get wound up in their rights as believers, that the heart suffers, which is a major reason why subsequent relationships falter beyond the first.  And this is not just in marriage, but also in friendships with college roommates, brothers, best friends, family members, etc.
This that I have written is the one hand.  On the other hand, I will concede there is a time and a place for sarcasm, for mocking, for responding with a sharp response to those who have hurt us.  But these responses should not come at the expense of our hearts hardening.  It was a hard heart that decimated the nation of Egypt.
Thus, as we are engaging with the L-rd being for us, let us remember to keep the focus more on our interaction with Him rather than focusing on how vile is the person who wounded us, and lest we turn someone into G-d’s adversary that G-d does not treat that way.

The Power of Romans 8

Off the top, for those of us that believe Romans 7:14-23 still applies in fullness to those who are in Christ, we do not understand that Romans 7:25 and ALL of chapter 8 applies to those who are in Christ way more than the lion’s share of Chapter 7.
Good, now that I have that off of my soulish chest….heh, I will move onto the point of this post.
Romans 8 shatters the lies that we are made to believe that we are under the bondage of sin as believers.
Romans 8 says that we are NOT OBLIGED to sin.  That means we are not bound to the obligation to sin.   Again, let that sink in, gang.
Verse 12.
Imma post it in Greek first because the Greek is just lovely.

Ἄρα οὖν, ἀδελφοί, ὀφειλέται ἐσμὲν οὐ τῇ σαρκὶ τοῦ κατὰ σάρκα ζῆν,

And my translation:

So therefore, brothers (including sisters), we are not debtors to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.

You are not a debtor to the flesh.
You owe the flesh nothing.
You are not required to sin.
You are not guaranteed to sin or required to sin a little each day in order to certify your humanity.   Now, will we screw up.  Yes.  And for that, we have 1 John 1:9.  But is it your doom to live and dwell in sin as a sinful screw-up the rest of your redeemed days.  Let me savor this response.
Just no.  Just stop it.   Stop with the incessant thinking that you are required to sin because you are a human.  Stop with the idiotic mindset that sin is your usual way of existing.  Yes, we all know there is going to be the mess-up, but the reality is as you become more Christ’s and become more IN Christ, you will sin less.  Moreover, our position in Christ is seated in the heavens above the fracas of the natural realm and above the fracas of the demonic realm.
Following our initiation and baptism into Christ, water baptism being the primary means of healing and deliverance for new believers, sin goes from being something to which we are in bondage, to something that is a choice.  Your will is released from bondage following your conversion and baptism, and now sin becomes a choice rather than a destiny.
The other nature gets kicked out increasingly and the process of increasing being-set-apart begins to take hold.  And yes, you are faced with hundreds of choices and decisions with respect to sin.  Are you going to let it have its way or are you going to choose in the direction of your destiny.  As you progress in Christ, a natural affect of that consequence is that you will indeed sin less.
Therefore, we are moving from a place where sinning is the rule to a place where sin is the exception.  We were designed to flow in a victorious and overcoming lifestyle of being his bride and his son.
Gang, this is not even a contest.  We were redeemed, and we need to begin pushing the envelope and instead of settling for a lifestyle where we tolerate a little bit of sin ans normal and natural each day, we need to challenge ourselves and begin pushing to see how far we can go in affection, depth, holiness, sanctity, tenderness, and height of relationship.
Sin is not a guaranteed destiny of yours, but rather it gets reduced to an option.
If any one is in Christ, they are a…
New creation…
Beloved friend, you are new in Him, and he adores you a whole lot.
You are not required to sin, but now you have the capacity and the anchor that will stabilizes you in order to enable you to choose the right path.
Just as the Holy Spirit enabled the Upper Room Disciples to speak in tongues, so you to have the power and enablement within as a follower of Jesus to walk in the manner that befits a son of the King.  In Romans 8, you are given a litany of exhortation that shows what it looks like to be in Christ.

  1. Freedom from sin’s legal hold and right to your life. 8:2
  2. A capacity to live by the Spirit. 8:5
  3. The mind controlled by the Spirit. 8:6
  4. Capable of pleasing G-d because you are in the Spirit. 8:8
  5. Belong to the Father. 8:9
  6. Alive and in righteousness. 8:10
  7. Indebted to no flesh or to sin. 8:12
  8. Capable of putting to death the deeds of the flesh. 8:13
  9. Capable of being led by the Spirit. 8:14
  10. Capable of being sons of G-d. 8:14
  11. Adopted is your relaity. 8:15
  12. You have the inner witness of the Spirit if you are in Christ and in the Spirit. 8:16
    1. Now, you need to follow the Spirit and cultivate a relationship with the Spirit in order to strengthen this inner witness and discernment, but He is present and able to provide you with that inner witness.  But it is something that you have to be sensitive to and cultivate.
  13. You are heirs. 8:17
  14. You are capable of handling suffering. 8:18
  15. You are what all creation longs for. 8:19
  16. We are expressions of the hope of creation. 8:20
  17. We are being redeemed in our bodies. 8:23
  18. We are assisted by the Spirit when we are weak. 8:26
  19. You have a friend who will help you to search your heart for everything G-d wants to fix or repair in you.  All that is damaged or wounded or out of alignment, is on G-d’s to-do list. 8:27
  20. You are not subject to the enemy’s accusation or condemnation.  You do not have to be subject to your own condemnation.  G-d has such a lovely and strong and multi-facted destiny of hope for you.  G-d, being on your side, means the enemy of your soul, the devil himself, and all of his hordes, cannot and will not ultimately prevail, while there is still a “yes” in your spirit to the L-rd, no matter how weak that “yes” is.
  21. That is what is meant by the inability of the enemy to separate you from the L-rd.  It’s not merely a separation to hell.  It is a capacity of the L-rd to tighten the relationship He has with you and you have with Him so that there is not a seperation in this life.  Paul is not merely talking about condemnation to hell.  He is talking about the interactions you have with G-d in the here-and-now. 8:38-39.

Gang, This, this right here, is the power in Romans 8.  We are not merely secure in His hand and made safe from hell, but we are secure in the present moment, from one moment to the next.

From Anne Hamilton

Let me give some perceived background of context for this post:
We have might have an idea that covenants are nothing more than the exchange of goods and services enhanced by an agreement. That is a very shallow understanding of the concept of covenants
Anne Hamilton is a woman to whose works I was introduced by a precious Exhorter:
She raises some fascinating points here. And for clarity’s I will be happy to answer questions about this post.
Get ready, gang as this is a little more abstract than most TPH offerings. You might need to read it a few times. I know I had to, but there are some real gems for the miners who persevere:

At the risk of clearing out my entire friends’ list, I must express my deep concern over the confusion between covenant and trading. I’ve read the books. I’ve watched the videos. I’ve been to the seminars.
And at the end of the day, I have realised that “trading” is being used indiscriminately, as if it sometimes means “covenant” and sometimes not.
Covenant is essentially and radically different to trading. Covenant is about oneness. That’s what differentiates it from contract, pledge, vow, exchange or trade. ONENESS. Covenant happens to be about exchanging gifts as tokens of love, so it might look like trading in some respects. But the difference is ONENESS. If I buy a car, I don’t want to trade money for vehicle and wind up having to take care of the seller’s family for life. In a trade, it’s not about gifts – it’s hopefully about “ethical” exchange.
Much spiritual trading in my view (here goes my friends’ list – just unfriend me, don’t abuse me because that will open at least one of us up to retaliation by the spirit of Leviathan) is simply about unbelief in the atonement.
It’s a natural human inclination to want to help Jesus out when we’ve prayed and prayed and prayed and still things haven’t gone the way we wanted. What can we “do”? Confess? Repent? Forgive? Renounce? Trade? Go to the courts?
We are so inventive in finding ways to enhance the atonement. Repentance and forgiveness only “work” by the grace of God. He requires them but, in truth, they don’t add a single thing to the all-sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus. They are more about tokens of love than anything else – about telling God that, yes, broken as I am, I am committed to the relationship. And that, in my heart of hearts, I cannot believe in the atonement without wanting to “do” something to help Jesus solve my present crisis.
The only fallback position in this case is, I think, encapsulated in the words of the centurion: “Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.”

The Time I Unknowingly Insulted Jane Goodall

The context for this piece and my remark that seemed probably out of context was attending as part of a Sociology class called “Aging and Society” (The Sociological impacts of gerontology on cultures). Hence, my remark seemed to offend a whole lot of people in the audience in which I was sitting, but it did amuse Dr. Goodall, who, as a Teacher, was capable of responding with some good wit. I am sure she enjoyed responding as much as I, a student in a class who was curious, because here was a card-carrying old lady, who had spent DECADES on her feet and butt working with primates, and I was truly curious what had changed for her between when she started to that point in her life.

Anyway, without further adieu, here is the article from the Orlando Sentinel, recopied here, with the link below…

Famed Lady Of Chimps Enthralls Audiences

Jane Goodall Can Give A True Jungle Yell

February 17, 2000|By Charlene Hager-Van Dyke of The Sentinel Staff

DELAND – After squinting to notice the small figures high in the back of the 2,500-seat Edmunds Center at Stetson University on Wednesday night, famed primatologist Jane Goodall welcomed them with a unique greeting: a chimpanzee distance call.

Dressed in a green turtleneck, tweed pants and a camouflage-patterned jacket, Goodall offered a low gruntlike sound that escalated to a resounding high-pitched squeal. 

This was as close as Goodall could get to Africa’s Gombe National Forest on her lecture tour.

A few hours earlier – on her mother’s 95th birthday – the world’s foremost authority on chimpanzees offered a similar hello to a large group of Stetson students and faculty in Elizabeth Hall Auditorium.

I talked to my mother yesterday, and she asked me to send her love to all of those people in Florida. So here’s love from my mother,” she said with arms outstretched. 

Goodall is the fifth in Stetson University’s Stewart Lecture Series, which began in 1991 with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and continued with former President Jimmy Carter, journalist Bill Moyers and Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel. 

At both of Wednesday’s venues, Goodall explained some of the programs provided by the Jane Goodall Institute, including the Roots and Shoots environmental education program for schools and the continuing work in helping both chimpanzee and human populations in the Gombe National Forest. 

Goodall, her varying shades of gray hair pulled neatly back into a ponytail, went straight to work at the afternoon session as she dropped to her knees near the edge of the stage. She said she wanted to get closer to her audience, which ranged from teenagers to senior citizens. Afterward, she opened the floor to questions and got comfortable. 

Comfortable for Goodall meant a familiar position: buttocks and feet on the floor with her arms wrapped around her knees as if she were ready to settle in for a day of observing chimpanzees. But, instead of binoculars, on this day she would hold a microphone. 

Despite occasional sound problems in the auditorium, Goodall fielded questions about topics ranging from chimpanzee language, psychotic primate behavior and medical research to zoos as natural habitats, her motivation to persevere and her evolutionary beliefs. 

One male student’s question – “How has your aging affected your research?” – seemed to stun the audience but to amuse Goodall, who will turn 66 on April 3. 

“I spend 300 days a year on the road and usually the most exercise I get is climbing the stairs at a hotel and then finding that the door is locked and having to walk back down,” she said. “But,” she shot back, “I find I’m usually more fit than most of the people I work with, even if they’re in their 20s.”

That comment drew much applause from the audience, many of whom had a copy of her latest book, the new bestseller Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey, planted in their laps, awaiting her autograph.

Goodall also talked of her English childhood, telling the story of an incident when she was 4 years old and wanted to know how an object as large as an egg could come out of a chicken. When no one answered her question, she hid in a henhouse for more than four hours to find out for herself.

When Goodall was 11, she fell in love with Tarzan (she always thought Jane was a wimp), she told the delighted audience.” 

I thought I was a better mate for him than Jane – which I would have been,” she said. 

Goodall attended secretarial school and then got a job with a documentary film company before being invited to Kenya by a friend. To save money for the trip, she worked as a waitress, stowing away her wages and every nickel she received in tips. 

When she was 23 years old, Goodall met paleontologist and anthropologist Louis Leakey, who hired her as his assistant on a three-year fossil-hunting expedition in Olduvai Gorge. 

After receiving her Ph.D. in ethology – the study of behavior patterns in animals – from Cambridge University, Goodall went back to Africa to begin what has evolved into a 40-year commitment to chimpanzees and their well-being. 

Goodall made history in 1960 when she discovered that chimpanzees made and used tools to collect termites for food. She also has brought to light the similarities between chimpanzees and humans, including their passive tendencies of holding hands, kissing and hugging as well as their more aggressive behaviors of fighting, killing and even cannibalism. 

As head of the Jane Goodall Institute in Silver Spring, MD., she spends much of her time doing what she did at Stetson: spreading her message of conservation and awareness of our relationship with chimpanzees. 

“Instead of sitting in the Gombe Forest doing what I love most, now I’m traveling the world talking to people and trying to raise money,” she said. 

She left the afternoon audience with a vision of one of her first memorable encounters with the chimpanzee she named David Greybeard.

“I thought I had lost him in the forest, and then I crawled through some branches and found him. I offered him a nut from my opened hand. He took it and then dropped it onto the ground, and then he touched my hand with some pressure. He told me that he didn’t want it, but that he knew what I was offering.”

The Armor of G-d: A Fractal of Seven

Okay, gang.
I have been harping on this a little bit on another place on Facebook land, thank you Sheila Galvez and Amanda Damon.
So here goes.

“στῆτε οὖν περιζωσάμενοι τὴν ὀσφὺν ὑμῶν ἐν ἀληθείᾳ καὶ ἐνδυσάμενοι τὸν θώρακα τῆς δικαιοσύνηςκαὶ ὑποδησάμενοι τοὺς πόδας ἐν ἑτοιμασίᾳ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου τῆς εἰρήνης,ἐν πᾶσιν ἀναλαβόντες τὸν θυρεὸν τῆς πίστεως, ἐν ᾧ δυνήσεσθε πάντα τὰ βέλη τοῦ πονηροῦ [τὰ] πεπυρωμένα σβέσαι·καὶ τὴν περικεφαλαίαν τοῦ σωτηρίου δέξασθε καὶ τὴν μάχαιραν τοῦ πνεύματος, ὅ ἐστιν ῥῆμα θεοῦ.    Διὰ πάσης προσευχῆς καὶ δεήσεως προσευχόμενοι ἐν παντὶ καιρῷ ἐν πνεύματι, καὶ εἰς αὐτὸ ἀγρυπνοῦντες ἐν πάσῃ προσκαρτερήσει καὶ δεήσει περὶ πάντων τῶν ἁγίων”

Ephesians 6:14-18

Oops, wrong text, need to grab something y’all can read.

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,”

Ephesians 6:13–18

There. Much better.

Now then.

Let me make some addenda

The Actual Seven Pieces of Armor

Loinpiece of Truth = Prophet

This covers all of the the loins.  We have physical loins to cover, as well as the loins of our mind (1 Peter 1:13).
It’s not just a belt like we wear to keep pants up. It is a piece of armor that covers our body from from the waist to the knees, and protects the heart of our vitality and virility: our sex organs.
And because our minds are so aligned with truth, Peter calls uses similar language to describe protecting our mind.
Prophets must walk in truth at all points, including embracing truth in relationships with others.  They must not waver from G-d’s whole truth.  And the whole truth may mean the Prophet has to put on a long game for dealing with other people.  The Prophet more than the other gifts has the capacity to see positively for others stretching far into the future when they cannot see for themselves, and as a result of that long sight, can provide hope on the second level of principles, which is the relationships between man and man.  He can then use that hope and those principles to help rebuild a broken man or woman.  He or she must engage in this restoration in the spirit of meekness, rather than the spirit of condescension, arrogance, or jackassery (Galatians 6:1).

Breastplate of Righteousness, which covers both front and Back = Servant

Servants, alone of all the gifts, gravitate toward all expressions of and desires for righteousness.  What they can see is the gold that is in the dirt.  They see the present-moment usefulness of what others would consider a trash heap.  They walk free of guile, and the L-rd Who Makes Us Righteous, Adonai Tsidkenu, protects them front and back, when no one else thinks to protect the Servant.  I would contend the Servant has the fewest natural or seen or recognized walls and barriers and protections.  Because of this, and because the Servant gives so readily in the protection of others, they themselves need people who will actively advocate for and bless and protect them.
The Breastplate of Righteousness, contrary to the bad preaching of some, is a piece of armor that DOES PROTECT THE BACK as well as the front.  Dear preachers: quit asking the rhetorical question, “which part of the body is unprotected?”
The L-rd protects our comings and our goings, and that is an important aspect of our journey that we must speak to:  our arrivals and departures.  I have personally noticed an upward trend in the inability of believers to have good arrivals and/or departures.  I have noticed in these cases an increase in the numbers of bridges burned.  This is not good for the purposes of speaking about one another with affection and honor.

Shoes of READINESS, NOT peace = Teacher

Um, yeah.  Read the text here.  And then read it again.  And then read it again.
Gang, the phrase in the King James expresses it well, and if you gloss over it in your zeal to get to what you think the dynamic is for the Teacher, think again.  The King Jimmy says, “having your feet shod with…”  And the VERY NEXT WORD is not “peace”!  It is “readiness”.  Readiness.  Readiness.
I cannot overemphasize this enough.  Teachers, you have enough natural expressions of peace.
Even a carnal or soulish Teacher, in the sin of Selective Responsibility, will have enough non-worry that they will allow the do-dads around their house fall into disrepair.  And sloth or heaviness masquerades as peace.  What is needed in the Teacher, and what the high-functioning Teacher can get a disproportionate ROI from, is being Ready.  Instant, in season and out of season, Paul calls it.
Let me put it another two ways.  Hermes in the Greek Pantheon was symbolized by winged zapatos (Spanish for “shoes”, and one of my favorite words).
Was he characterized by sloth, or readiness?  And what is the one article of clothing that when you don it, lets others know you are able to walk out the door?  Shoes.
Runners! Get READY, Get ON YOUR MARKS, Get Set, <POW!> GO!
They nowhere symbolize peace, but READINESS!  Now, the Gospel is one of Peace, and the Shoes of Readiness are empowered by the Gospel of Peace, but they are still Shoes of Readiness.
Readiness is a theme that will give the Teacher striking power, and dangerous strength.  Readiness with give the Teacher a capacity to pair his or her research with action.

Shield of Faith (Shield of the Trinity) = Exhorter

The Exhorter, as I said in the RG post, is a man or woman of threes.  Their principle has gone through three iterations (Pain and Suffering, Sowing and Reaping, Reality).  Sun, Moon, and Stars.  Three sets of Principles for Cause and Effect.  Three Exhorters who wrote these sets of principles: Moses on the First level, Solomon on the Second Level, Paul on the Third Level.  Jonah the Exhorter, three days in the belly of a fish or thought, depending on how you read the Text.  Nineveh was so large that it took three days to cross the city, according to Jonah 3.  Yeshua the Exhorter mentions the signs of Jonah and the Son of Man, being in the belly of the earth three days.  The Three members of the Trinity, which is the Exhorter’s strong suit (the nature of G-d).
Thus, when the Exhorter walks in faith, it has to be a faith in G-d, and not in the polls or viewpoints of his fellow man.  He or she must get from G-d what G-d’s agenda is, and then he or she must follow suit to do what G-d tells him or her to do.  And if he does this, and follows G-d, and makes the Trinity his or her trust and shelter place, then Psalm 91 can kick in and the L-rd will shield whatever the Exhorter hands over to G-d.  But, the Exhorter has to learn how to excel in relating to G-d as well as and better than they relate to humanity.

Helmet of Salvation = Giver

Based on what I said above, I would imagine that the Loinpiece of Truth works in tandem with the Helmet of Salvation.  Another profitable Prophet/Giver combination. 
So, there are certain helmets that protect the whole head from attack.  With eyeholes for sight.  I think we are designed to have a singular focus, and salvation covers our whole life.  As some believers have said, “I was saved, and am being saved, and I will be saved.”  Our salvation is already but not yet.  We have not just forgiveness of sin, but also healing, deliverance, comfort, counseling, wholeness, liberation from curses, and a whole compliment of tools, ways, means, and raw materials available to us to effect this thing we call the life of following Yeshua.  Our salvation covers everything, all of the resources to do the things we are given to do.
And what does the Giver excel at, and what is their gold glitter oil?
Resources that drip from them.  A bevy of vast and varied items.  They have access and provide access to the things.  And with the things, we can do the jobs.

Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of G-d (John 1:1-14), who is Yeshua, and then to a lesser extent, Scriptures = Ruler/Judge/Deliverer.

Read the above again very carefully.  The primary expression of the Word of G-d is not the Bible;  it is Yeshua.  I get so irritable and cranky when we say, “the Bible is the Word of G-d,” and then we fail to mention IN THE NEXT BREATH the fact that Yeshua is the Word of G-d.  He is.  The one who sits on the white horse is called what?  THE WORD OF G-D!  HE IS THE LOGOS!
The Strength of the RJD in handling a situation is in their capacity to go to both the L-rd and to Scripture and derive solutions from a living and breathing relationship with G-d.  Freedom comes when a son executes what is given to him or her.  Freedom comes when a son takes the raw materials Dad gives him or her and uses them to execute the vision.
The Ark of the Covenant is another expression of this truth.  Three things in the ark that feed the Judge and that the Judge uses to feed the masses and be personally life-giving to them, and yes the Deliverer must be personally life-giving in the lives of others and not just safely punt to the system, hoping the system will be life-giving to others.
Thing #1: The law tablets.  This represents the moral authority of the RJD to speak from G-d.  This law must be inscribed on the tablets of the Ruler’s heart.  They must have a living and breathing and pliable relationship with the Word himself and the word itself.
Thing #2: The staff that budded.  This represents the RJD’s knowledge that G-d has appointed them.  The RJD cannot just have brain knowledge of and mental assent to G-d’s appointment of him or her, nor can they merely have an emotional release in their heart alone and think that will do the job.   Rather he or she MUST have the buds of the staff growing in his or her spirit, which dwells in the seat of dominion in the brain.  Both head and heart (not one over the other) must have shoots of almonds growing in them, and there must be a deep-seated flow and synch of both head and heart and reins (kidneys and adrenals) flowing together that provides the rush of truth from a depth of the RJD’s sonship.
Thing 3#:  The pot of the omer of manna.  Rightly measured, plenteous to satiate, provided as a resource from Dad’s hand.  This ties to the RJD’s aspect of provision.   There must be a right affection between the RJD as a son and his or her Dad as Provider.  The G-d of all Grace provides from heaven the dew that lands and coalesces all over and around the camp of the Ruler’s circle.  The Judge, the Deliverer is not just a mere machine, but must transcend to the spirit realm and return with life-giving provision for the job at hand.  There is an intimate expression that flows with depth from the innermost zeal and glory of the Ruler’s innermost being.  He rules and leads with an eye to redeeming even the most broken and flawed person, and uses them well, stewards them well to accomplish and manifest the miracles of G-d Himself on the earth.  It is a shallow thing to own Amazon and the Washington Post if you have no eye to what you can do in utilizing those resources to change the world.  The manna must flow from G-d and the RJD must walk in their strength of refusing to blame others and pointing them to the Word of G-d.  And with the Word of G-d, the RJD slices through the soulish cesspool and malaise of the natural and divides the portal between heaven and earth, and introduces his or her tribe to the G-d, the Word of G-d who affectionately sits astride his white charger and rides with His Bride adjacent Him on a horse of her own.

Praying at all times in the Spirit = Mercy. 

The amorphous uneasiness the Mercy gives you will keep you when you are uncertain as to which way to go.  The Mercy flows back and forth with the gusts of the Holy One.   Alertness, perseverance, and supplication are the Mercy’s trademarks.  Praying at all times.  I expect Janis and other Mercies to, in part, help fill this out.  But I will offer this one point here.  Specifically, the praying at all times is what keeps the one in the armor from needlessly stepping into harm’s way.  You cannot put a price tag on being able to hear a couple of words from the Holy King of Israel.  Always in movement, finding flow, creating flow when it is not present, and even resorting to bashing the hell out of some diabolical interference when necessary, with a sling, a rock, and the enemy’s sword, as a response to carrying an offense for a third party, these are the ways that the Mercy moves in the battlefield.
I am of the opinion that David, the shepherd boy, sang a tune as he stooped by the waters to gather his five smooth stones, each of which expressed one of the five levels of “HOLY TO THE L-RD”, and one of which he used to smack Goliath in the Seat of Dominion.
And I realize these thoughts are somewhat uneven, but here they are for your digestion and consideration.
Be blessed, gang.

The Passage That Kept Me Going

After I had first heard my ex-wife had cheated on me, I chose to give her a period of time, 90 days, to see what she would do.
I had also begun to ask counsel of those I knew whom I had respected in the ministry who had experienced divorce and they had given me counsel.  One of those friends, who had an experience in marriage in which he was claiming aggrieved status, said that he went through and did a serious season of self-examination.
Yes, the divorce may seem like it is all their fault, but it is still a good thing for us to do self-examination.
As a result of that conversation, during that time period when I had taken to consider thoroughly what I should do, I began to recount my sins as well, the places where I had messed up in our marriage, and the places where I knew that I was in the wrong.
And while I never engaged in physical acts of adultery, I may as well have (Matthew 5:27, which is based not on a new commadment or new interpretation of the Torah, but on the old commandment of Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21).  The wrong desire is adultery.
And, no, not even a first look is right or good.  No, “admiring the L-rd’s creation” is the same as “scooping fire into your lap”.  It does not work.  I have heard all the preacherly catchphrases and they do not work.
Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, got the tattoo.
We must resist the equivocation.  If by my confession someone can be freed, it will be worth it.
And deliverance from all of that nonsense, whether the act is physical, mental, or emotional (and they all form pathways that are not often or quickly removed), is a process.
So, as I was going through that process, I had a conversation with a pastor friend who is an expository preacher and a Teacher by Redemptive Gift, and I told him what had happened.
He then directed me to a passage in Micah.
See it here:

I will bear the indignation of the LORD because I have sinned against him, until he pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look upon his vindication.
Micah 7:9

By hearing of our own offenses and knowing what sin is, we know the absolutes, and thereby where the boundaries of the fence are.  And we can take a strange comfort in knowing where the boundaries are, because then we can know when we are in the right and when we are in the wrong.
We need to know that we can be wrong when we are wrong.
We need to know there are still standards.
Let’s cite Frank Peretti, because he says it better than I can, and BE FOREWARNED, to my survivor peeps, the context is an internal discussion pertaining to a bathtub drowning, and the character in the book is in the process of coming to grips with her own state of reality, which is necessary in order to overcome denial:

She looked at the tub; she touched the cold, blue-green porcelain. I could pretend, she thought.  Just for the sake of discussion, I could pretend that this is a fence, a limitation, a boundary.
A boundary I crossed over, and shouldn’t have.

She let her thoughts continue on their own and just enjoyed listening to them huddle together and confer in her head.
What if what happened here was wrong?
Ah, come on, according to whom? There are no absolutes; you can’t know anything for sure.
What if there are, and what if I can?
But how?
Later, later.  Just answer the first question.
What if it was wrong?
Then I’m guilty.  I made a wrong choice, I jumped the boundary, I did wrong.
But I thoughts boundaries only exist in your mind!
I did wrong. I want to think that, just once.
Because I need a fence.  Even if I’m on the wrong side of it, I need a fence.  I need to be wrong.  I need to be guilty.
What for?

Sally stirred. She pressed her hand firmly against the tub where her child had died. she mouthed the words, then she whispered them, then she said them out loud, “Because at least then I’d know where I am!
Apparently she’d awakened a dormant emotion; pain came upon her suddenly, and aching deep in her soul, and with gritted teeth and a stifled whisper, she pounded the side of the tub.  “Oh, God!”
She rested against the hard plaster wall again, panting in hurt, anger, and despair. “O God, help me!”
Despair slipped and fell. His talons had lost their grip.
There, she’d said it.  She’d followed the proposition through to its conclusion, had her little fit, and how she was finished.  She didn’t know if she felt better.  She felt a little foolish for talking out loud to herself–or to God, whatever the case may be.  It didn’t matter.
-Frank Peretti, Piercing the Darkness, pp. 206-207-

Further, when we know there are fences, we know not only that there is a wrong side…
And when we are on that wrong side, and therefore guilty….
But also…
That there is a right side…
And we can be on that side…
And we can know when we are on that side…
I spent myself handling my offenses against the throne, and against Him, and against my then-wife.
Pam, to whom I am married now, helped deeply in that process of dealing with the offenses.
It is possible, while you are dealing with a divorce or even with a seperation with what you did wrong.
Consider the gravity of what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
“Because of the hardness of your hearts…”
Gang, I cannot overemphasize this enough.
If you are not dealing with the hardness of your heart,
it does not matter if you have biblical grounds or not for divorce.
It does not matter if your heart is wounded, and justifiably so.
It does not matter how many different ways you are tied up due to generational bondage or covenal agreements.
If your heart has gone hard, then it will be damned hard to have a successful single life or remarried life.
What made blasphemy of the Holy Spirit so easy for the Pharisees is that precise condition, and over and over again, that was the illustrated root of their resistance toward the Son of G-d.  It was not a religious spirit.
It was hard-heartedness that got them.  It was the resistance toward Ezekiel 37 and 38.  They did not allow Him to breath life on them and remove their stony hearts.
Their bones were devoid of sinew and muscle.  The Rulers had no Exhortery pliability.
In my own adultery, there were several things I sowed that reaped destruction.
And it began with fear of man, thinking this was the right person to marry based on a dream.
And after I bore the indignation of the L-rd and dealt with the process of recovering a pliable heart, He took up my cause, in some very subtle ways.
Hit the second half of that text from Micah 7:9

until he pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me out to the light; I shall look upon his vindication.

“Executes judgment”.  That is Mishpat.  Execution.  He can be trusted to execute to those who want his working in their lives.  Judgment first starts in the house of G-d, with us, and then with our case.  He judged it, and executed.  He is the G-d who executes.
Our job, believer, is to handle our business honestly, vulerably, and openly.  Come hell or high water, do it, and deal with your junk.
Now, concerning pornography in Matthew 5, I had a conversation with a friend who had some thoughts, and they echo mine here.  What follows are our very rough, unrefined, unrevised thoughts somewhat mixed together.
I think that what Jesus was trying to say is not that the two (adultery and looking on a woman with lust) are the same.  Rather, what He was driving at is “you think you are holy because you avoid the big act.   Well, the act itself consummates because it is rooted in an attitude germinated in the soil that says that lust is okay.
That person that says it is “okay to admire the creation of G-d” does not realize the danger they are helping you to jump into.
One is adultery and the other is the adultery of the heart.  One begins a process, the other finishes that process.
In the act of physical adultery, you are joining two people, two spirits into something that did not previously exist.
In the instance of lust, damage is done, but spirits are not joined.
Said another way, Jesus is saying, “Well, if you really want to be righteous “clean your thought life.”.
Don’t pretend that makes you holy just because you are avoiding physical adultery.
There are commonalities between the two, but they are not the same.
Would it feel the same to you?
If you had to pick between the two 10 years of porn that you could fight through together, versus one act of adultery, which would you pick?  That give you the evidence that the two are not the same.
Having experienced both, I would have to say, “I would have picked having to fight through 10 years of porn to rescue my bride, over one moment of adultery”.
I know in her a lot of what was lost.
This woman is a card-carrying Exhorter who was given a birthright of authority over nations.
And because of the hell that we dealt with, she is now way-removed from that path.
So, in handling your own situation, my question is, “what will you do to avoid a hard heart?”.
Hard hearts are seedbeds for Jezebel.  Jezebel is not merely this beastly dragon that wants to kill the prophets.  It can end that way.
But Jezebel begins with a decision that “I am not going to let anyone hurt me like that again.”
And the entry point for her is subtle.  A grandmother who neglects her grandchild or grandchildren.  A mother or father who somehow hurts their kids.
Yes, they are accountable for how they hurt us.  But ultimately, we are responsible to pass the Mercy’s Test.  All of us.  The test of the Right Response to Pain.
The news is that the Phoenicians hurt Jezebel by marrying her off as part of Omri’s contract with the Phoenicians.  She was a gifted and multi-talented Exhorter, considering the gifts that Phoenicia had and gave to many places.
The news is that Jesus, our chief example, and an Exhorter, was hurt by all sorts of people, and allowed them to do what they did to Him, and yet gave Himself to them, for them.  Just to have one Nicodemus.
And the news is that others will hurt.  I have hurt, and some of you will hurt.
But we must protect our hearts and keep them tender before G-d, and not let it get that edge of hardness.
Proverbs 4:23.
Must pass.  Must pass.  With flying colors.  Bearing fruit in our season, and being planted by the streams of water.
Streams of revelation.
Streams of dreams and the vision G-d has for us.
Streams of affection.
And we must wrestle this temptation to grow calloused to the ground.
We have too many needless casualties of war because of wounds through relationships, marriages.
The bloodletting has got to stop.
Tempering my counsel from yesterday because I want you to catch the punchline, understand you may have a right to divorce, and that may be where G-d is sending you, but you do not have a right to leave with a stony heart and keep your life-giving effectiveness.
The gifts and callings of G-d are irrevocable, true.
But other things can be damaged and you still keep your gifts.
Your anointing can be affected.
The size of your conduit can be crimped.
The shape of your seal can be damaged.
The sum total of your potential effectiveness can be lessened.
And the level of your kinetic effectiveness will definitely taper off.
Gang, we must push through.

A Conversation I Had With My Wife On Adultery and Divorce and Remarriage

A few years back, as many of y’all know, given I am pretty open here about about my own life, my wife and I had a conversation concerning the breakdown of my previous marriage.  In that conversation, she pulled something based on the context of Leviticus 20, the fate of the perpetrator, and the ultimate end of the one sinned against:

When adultery happened in the [Torah], the perpetrator and their co-perpetrator were stoned.  The partner of the marriage who had been the innocent in the relationship.

But what happened to the innocent who was sinned against?  He or she was left as a widow or a widower, and was thus permitted to marry again.

I then drew the connection following the principles of hermeneutics.
Think specifically of Rule #1…
Or as Joe Castleberry of Northwest University calls it, the Jiminy Cricket Rule of Hermeneutics

Always let your context be your guide.

So, here is the larger context of the canon, using both the Tanakh and the New Testament.

The only difference between adultery in the Tanakh and adultery in the New Testament is that the perpetrator gets to keep his or her life.

And the one sinned against?  They have the same status as a widow or a widower, and are thus free to remarry.  Reading Jesus and Paul together, we see this permission as well implied in the context of his discussion of the Pharisees.

Whoever divorces for any reason except fornication/marital unfaithfulness/sexual immorality

You are permitted to divorce your spouse, from the way I read the varied texts, and marry another, if adultery/sexual immorality is the root of your issue.

Now, granted, let me throw three caveats here.

First, if you have permitted your heart to become crunchy, or cold, or you permit a Jezebel/Ahab combo take residence in your heart (which is a real possiblity, because Jezebel says “I am not going to every allow myself to be put into a position to get hurt again”), you are A) going to have issues with relationships beyond adultery/fornication/marital unfaithfulness B) have issues hearing Father’s voice in discernment on the matter.

Second, if you refuse to hear Father’s voice on the matter and only consider your immediate needs/wants/lusts etc., you are going to have a hell of a time the second time around.

Third, before you respond to quickly end a marriage, have an extended conversation with Father, because He will always have input to give to you.  Even with the biblically justifiable means of divorcing an unfaithful spouse, the L-rd might have a few pages to speak to you on the matter of your marriage.

Be darn sure you pay attention to all He says on your specific marital issue.

It is the glory of G-d to conceal a thing; but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. –Proverbs 25:2-

With those three caveats, a soft heart, a willingness to hear the voice of Father, and every last shred of input He has on your own situation, proceed with what He tells you.

Also, I would add as valuable a deep and thorough application of 1 Corinthians 7 and 1 Peter 3 to your given situation.

And take caution and much care how you proceed.

As to the subject of abuse, I personally consider that under the category of “marital unfaithfulness”.  There is a violation of marriage covenant that happens in the presence of abuse.  And thus, evauating each situation on a case-by-case basis, I can see biblical grounds for divorce based on abuse.
This is, however, one of those cases where I would counsel as a pastor, STRONGLY, THAT YOU SEEK FATHER.

And in the area of remarriage, I would strongly counsel you to seek the L-rd about that in the arena of abuse, as to whether or not remarriage is the wisest course. Not just IF, but even if He clears you to remarry, then WHEN.
The other dynamic I want y’all to grasp as I write this is this:

If you are looking for an excuse to exchange your current spouse for a new model just because you want to sample another set of wares and are tired of the model you already committed to, then your heart is already hard and you need to repent.


Also, please realize that divorce is not to be treated as something worthy of a party or celebration.

Something in you died:  something of which you were part.

Those of you throwing divorce parties and saying “thank G-d that bastard/bitch is out of my life” never got the point of marriage.

Those of you who are crying for any number of reasons, and whose emotions are all over the place, because of the depth of pain opened up by this sort of tragedy get it.

Those of you wishing to call me heretic because you are proponents of that nonsense called Covenant Marriage, “you put down your rock and I will put down my sword and we will try and kill each other like civilized people”.

Jesus gave us an exception in his teaching on divorce.

Get over yourselves, and your egos, and your preoccupation with “you are violating G-d’s word”, and let’s actually reason together from the text of Scriptures.

Read the Bible, donkeys.


When something on this level dies, it is one of those things in your life that is worth mournful contemplation.  When my first marriage ended, I sat sheva without realizing why.  I did not thank G-d for it, and I did not want anyone to celebrate my newfound freedom.  I rent my clothes as a reflection of what happened to my heart.

And then at the end of that week, I arose and anointed myself with oil, and concerned myself with rebuilding my relationship with my sons. And I went, at Pam’s invitation, to the Sunday School class she was teaching on the Bait of Satan.

And later, in conversation with her, I understood why I sat sheva.

Ezekiel 24:16
“…behold, I am about to take the delight of your eyes.”

It was the death of something that was precious.

It was an actual and literal death.

So, while I am grateful for my marriage to Pam, I look on that previous season with sobriety.

And, yes, the wine is sweeter in this second marriage, but it came at a steep price.  Adultery, seasons for reconciliation, and eventual implosion of marriages are like the bombing of Nagasaki.

My ex-wife, when we had first began a relationship in 2004, made a comment to my then-pastor sometime after we had become engaged.
“G-d told me he is my Hosea.”

Not the words you expect to hear, and at the time when I heard those words, they resonated.

I thought I understood back then why they resonated; she had a dark period before she had come to Missouri, and I was pretty sure that her relationship with me would be redeeming and cleansing for her.

But now, I understand some things more deeply than I chose or would have ever wanted.  And give the treasure and the cost, I would not wish the treasure on my closest friend, or the cost on my worst enemy.


Some treasures are more costly than we realize.

G-d can only hand us some of these costly but necessary treasures by forcing them on us.

During the process when He forces those treasures on us, He makes us pay a cost that we did not want to pay.  And that cost is steep and painful.

When I was being made to pay for the gift of earned authority to work with couples in marital trouble, I began to learn that this first marriage was never G-d’s intent.

During that marriage, there was never a settledness, a meshing of the two into one.  I blew past all sorts of red flags, and those parts that knew it was wrong, I quieted them down with sermon after sermon that I had heard through the last couple of decades telling me that G-d would make the wrong one the right one.

That was one of the consequences of choosing to marry not the right person:  A lack of meshing.

So, what was the gift?  Earned authority to work with troubled marriages.
What was the cost?  I paid the price for choosing to disobey and marry the wrong person, and then G-d choosing to remove that person by allowing the marriage to slip into multi-pronged, multi-faceted disrepair.  As a result, I destroyed my life and she destroyed her own life, and hurt the lives of several people close to both of us.  I lost several opportunites for ministry and missions work.  I lost several precious friendships.  I lost the chance to finish my M.Div.  I lost my ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of G-d.  I lost the chance to live with my sons, who now dwell several states away from me.


So, remember, when you are the victim of a marital unfaithfulness, you do have liberty.

But please, I implore you to treat it with a huge dose of sobriety.  And if you need some help picking through your marriage, I am glad to lend a listening ear or some counsel, to whatever extent you might need.

Sort and pick through the issues with someone you trust.  Do not sort through these issues with people who are willing to run down your spouse/ex-spouse.  Sort through them with someone whose mouth is on the altar and who has drunk deeply from the cup of sobriety and humility.

Be blessed, gang.

Giving of Creation To Man…Giving of Woman

I am studying out the concept of giving throughout Scripture, given that we have an…ahem…interesting theology of giving in the church, and one that is pretty weird in many places.
During this reading, I figured I would punch up a search that deals with giving ideas.  Think max frame:
Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 4.22.22 PM
I have to point this one out.
“The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave and I ate.”
How do we know there was an issue here and that the perception of both was twisted?
G-d used the same word, natan, to describe that which he gave us in Genesis 9:3.  “I have given you everything.
So, man cursed the gift G-d gave him.
And no, I am going nowhere near that idiotic bull**** joke that talks about blameshifting.
The problem is that they wrecked the entire package of human existence.
And our issue is that, as believers, we act like idiots if we participate in this garbage.  And we have no excuse if we are believers.
And, its not just one side of the coin or the other side.  It is the whole enchilada.
Without Christ, you are wholly incapable of seeing the opposite sex and anything but wrongheaded.
Which means, in our woundedness, after we come to Christ, we have got to simply hunt for the win/win with the opposite sex on a constant basis.
We dare not squander the grace of G-d by making cracks at the opposite sex.
And we dare not squander the flavor of G-d’s grace by taking on a victim spirit that says we can’t recover.
Is there a place for dealing with wounds and expressing pain?
But at some point do we have to take ownership of and responsibility for things that are not ours.  You better believe it.
Let me add to this.
Read the following blog post by my friend, when you have some time, and then read the following quote here.

-Spartanburg is Teacher Redemptive Gift and the principle is Responsibility.  One high point of responsibility is to voluntarily clean up other people’s irresponsibility, even when it is not your fault.

Sometimes our job, and the way we earn some beefy authority is by taking care of things that are not our responsibility.
Sometimes, in order to gain authority in your own life, you have to be willing to do some things that are flat-out not comfortable.
Sometimes, you have to refuse the bait of calling a man a chauvainst, or a woman a Jezebel, or pick your demeaning term, and own a problem that isn’t yours, endure some pain, and do some gym time in order to easily smack down some crap that has been hindering you and your friends.
And recall, you have been given way more than that spouse who will not behave rightly.
Every good and perfect gift.
So, find the gifts among the trash.
And work with those limited materials.
Chances are, G-d wants to play chess and brinksmanship with your life as the playground in order to whack the enemy a good one.
The question is, in order to earn high authority that He has had for you for a long time, are you willing to become a bit perplexed for a season in order for the L-rd to demolish your and His ancient enemy?

Another Dynamic of the Mercy Gift: from the Seven Gifts of Jacob to Joseph


“A little balm, a little honey, gum, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds. Take double the money with you.”
From Genesis 43:11-12

-The capacity to stretch a dollar into excellence, beauty, and ultimately things that lend themselves to flow.
“It is amazing how [a Mercy] can take limited resources, be they finances, decor items, etc, and with those limited resources, decorate or set up in such a way that it adds to the flow of an environment. Those items are blessed and arranged in such a way that they improve the spiritual quality of whereever they are.”
It creates that lead-with-your-emotions, Mercy, intangible wow factor that is difficult to language.