Love, Community, Holiness: A Potpuorri of Thoughts

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The more I receive protection from
Him, the less I need it from other sources.

The more I allow His blood and love to cover me, the less I need that from others.

The more I am with Him, the more I cover friendship, but not because it protects me.

Emotional and spiritual connection are what I seek with others, not protection that brings them legitimacy.

The less I need you to protect me, the less energy you expend and the more you can spend time as a son executing.

Holiness is not just “set apart”.

Biblically, holiness is execution on the cause-and-effect that produces changes and moves us from glory to glory, faith to faith, strength to strength, and deep to deep.

Movement that flows from being set apart….the process more than the product….followed by the product that leads to change….change…that is holy.

That is, holiness is way more transformational than positional.

This is why reconciliation is the point of the gospel, rather than salvation……process, not point.

The reality is, will I let Him control me, if others attempt to co-opt that authority, or will I reject the awe of man when it comes time to choose this day whom I will serve.
This is the gospel of grace in Joshua 24:15

”Choose this day whom you will serve…. But as for me and my house, we will serve the L-rd.”

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