When He Brings You A Piece of Your Design: A Blessing of the Depths of Your Design


I call your spirit and ask them to treat with me for a few minutes.

Soul, I need you to stand down for a few minutes, because I really want to connect with the spirit of this person with whom I am speaking. It is okay. I am not going to bring harm to the spirit of this individual, and it is okay if you, soul, do not understand everything I am speaking to the spirit of this person. Just rest for a few minutes while I connect and bless the spirit…

Spirit, listen to the Word of G-d for you for today:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 

How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!

I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, You are still with me!

Psalm 139:13–18. NLT

Spirit, there are going to be times when you are given a piece or a glimpse of what you were made to do, and as partner with and leader of the soul and the body, in partnership with Holy Spirit, your design is not a carbon copy, or a product of a sausage factory. Nor was it created on an assembly line, as Henry Ford made his automobiles on. It is not one OF a million, but rather one IN a million. And too often, we may be tempted to think of only a few jobs as the truly anointed occupations. However, this is not the truth.

The issue is that sometimes you may have an already-thought-of job position that works for you, and you do not have to engineer or fabricate a new position for yourself.

Teachers and preachers and lawyers and doctors are ready-made and well-known positions. The transmission fits the engine and the person pluggs themlseves into that work and the design fits, and they move along.

However, before Orville and Wilbur Wright came along in the early 1900’s, no one knew that pilots would be needed.

Today, I have been thinking a lot about the Wrights.

Wilbur the Prophet and Orville the Teacher hailed from the Prophet town of Dayton, in the Prophet State of Ohio, and they conducted their research and experiments in the Prophet county of Dare in the Teacher State of North Carolina, just to the north of the Prophet State of South Carolina.

Over and over, spirit, you will see that the Teacher and the Prophet are the interplay and the foundation for the aviation industry. And over and over, Teachers and Prophets make their presence known in the aviation and aerospace industries.

Those of us with strong Teacher and Prophet portions to our spirits always gaze upwards.

I write this to say the following.

If there does not yet exist a readily-available occupation that matches your design, you are likely going to have to develop or fabricate or engineer a space for you to execute.

And repeatedly, G-d is likely going to give you something that is not off-the-shelf, a set of strengths and weaknesses that are going to need a home to flourish. He is also likely going to give you pieces to the puzzle of your design and things that you have a fire for.

And if there is not yet a place for that, do not worry, spirit. Do not fret. Know He gave that tool or tool set so that you could enjoy this life. You were made to enjoy life deeply.

The Westminster Chatechism (a chatechism is a means of educating believers about the faith by asking questions and then answering those questions) opens by asking the following question:

“What is the chief end of man?”

The answer is two parts.

To glorify G-d…


Yes, we were made to exhibit and demonstrate the glory of G-d.

BUT, spirit, we were also made to ENJOY G-D.

This life is not merely, only, solely, or firstly about glorifying G-d.

Let the Pharisees gather their stones if they want.

I am very good at dodging those stones.

Our life is about two simultaneous realities following Deuteronomy 6:5 (loving G-d)

We glorify Him

We enjoy Him.

Spirit, we enjoy Him.

We enjoy Him, and we also enjoy doing what He has put into our minds, hearts, reins, spirits, and souls to do.

So, there is a small obedience piece, but there is a greater enjoyment piece to it.

If you enjoy it, if it makes you come alive, there is a strong possibility G-d designed you to do that.

So, spirit, I BLESS YOU INCREDIBLY to know, to find, or to receive that weird thing that might cause others to question or scoff you for wanting to do because it is not on a prescribed list of holy things that believers “should want to do”.

I bless you to find what you were made to do.

I bless you to see the thing that is in front of you, and if that thing makes you to come alive, to do that thing.

I bless your enjoyment on a visceral level. I bless you to find your love and your passion. And I bless you to do more of it.

“For the world needs people who have come alive.” -John Elderidge-

The world does not need more obedient slaves, spirit. The world needs you alive and flowing.

If that is construction, or flying or space walking, or poetry, or politics, or analysis, or engineering, or SCUBA diving, or things not yet considered or pondered, go do that.

For there is so much that goes unpacked because we are intimidated by Pharisees.

I bless you, spirit, to see the backs of the Spirit of Jealousy, the Victim Spirit, the Mesmerizing Spirit, the Spirit of Fear, and the Spirit of Intimidation Broken to pieces.

I bless you to know when you have found your sweet spot even if it feels different to how you normally present.

And I bless you to find the tribe of friends that support your flow in that no matter what. And I bless you to master that about which you are deeply and profoundly zealous.

I bless you with that reality in the name of Yeshua.

Blessing of Stillness #8: Genesis 1:1: The Risk of Rejection of Perfect Love

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward to connect with me in the name of Yeshua. No matter how angry you feel presently, and how badly you have felt wronged, I would still like to treat with your spirit, as they are willing, and I am not requiring you to come close or stand at attention. There are times to call the spirit to attention, and there are times not to. And this is one of those times where it does not feel right to do the military command thing.

Listen, beloved spirit, to the word of G-d for you for today.

In the beginning….G-d….

-From Genesis 1:1-

I am not going to adopt the same technique other writers and preachers have adopted previously. Rather, I am going to adopt a different strategy, spirit.

Here is my thought here, before all of the action, all of the mess, all of the fall, and all of the mercy mission, I have to ask this question at the head of all else.

Spirit, WHAT WAS G-D THINKING BEFORE HE SET OUT TO ACT? What was on His mind? I do not mean that question to lull you to sleep. I mean that question to provoke something in you to consider.

Ponder the following. Before the world was founded and the universe was measured out in a span. Before there was a devil or a man to mess with creation, G-d stepped into the reality of nothingness. Of existence that was not. Not Yet.

Father, He pondered deeply. Thought about what might be, and thought about the possibilities. He was still and quiet before He came and before the original creation was formed. Before He created, He was Father, and Son, begotten of the Father, and Holy Spirit. And the three, knowing what would happen, connected and engaged in the redemption of all that would be. They engaged in an act that predated the existence of anything else. And in redemptive power, the death and resurrection of the Son was engaged.

And provision of what would be occurred in the pouring out of Father’s eternal love.

So, the Son knew what would happen to Him, and the Father knew, thought of, prepared for, and accounted for every single kind of death and destruction that would follow in all eternity. By allowing for the place of choice and free will, the King chose instruments of execution, the time of execution, the pictures of the execution, and showed His affection by allowing sacrificial love to be the touchstone of His nature. And the thread of willingness was already present before even the first element came into being.

Messiah was indeed crucified before the first foundations, upon which the world was laid, were set.

Spirit, you were conceived and born into a world that eternally knew the redemptive power of the L-rd, and was incapable of living apart from that redemption.

The Law has as its heart, the passage that reads, “You shall love the L-rd Your G-d with all”. This passage is all about mercy, grace, and redemption. For the L-rd would never issue an edict or command that He did not Himself first execute on. Thus, the G-d of the Gospels was also the G-d of the Law. The Old Covenant is the New Covenant. There were not two covenants, nor did the G-d on the Right Side of the Book apologize for the actions of the G-d of the Left Side of the Book. Pulse-pounding, tender, affectionate, messy, deep, grace-and-mercy-filled Love was more than the watchword or a parable to be jettisoned in favor of the Law. Rather, He, Love, was the Foundation of the Law.

So that you would never have to fret about whether or not the King’s compassion was ever not present, the Death of the Son was not some cheap parlor trick, or some cook-the-books accounting transaction, the King established His Death and His DEEP and UNYIELDING Love as the cornerstone of the whole universe.

Spirit, I want to bless you with something that is without equal in existence, and with all my heart I want to say this.

You were created first with tender compassion, love, redemptive power, and life flowing through every letter of all of Scripture. Not one ounce of the biblical text was written apart from the sacrificial, warm, safe, and tender affection of the King, who saw to it you would be able to continue knowing the root of His Life.

So, I bless you with love from the beginning, from before you were born and before the first human stepped onto the world stage.

I bless you with a wealth of the Infinity that is Perfect Love in your heart that is a microcosm of the whole of Perfect Love that built the Universe completely.

I bless you to know Perfect Love so deeply.

I bless you to see the King and the way You move His heart so much that He gave EVERYTHING He had to give in order to have the chance of your love in return, even though there was no guarantee you would return that love, because Free Will, Free Love, and Freedom govern His every move.

Perfect Love, in order to exist, must suffer the risk of rejection, and so the right to choose to reject love must also be present for control and manipulation to have an antidote. Her completely loved you knowing you might not love Him back.

I bless you to receive everything needed to sustain the reception of His Perfect Love.

I bless you with that strength in the name of Yeshua, who loves you in complete strength and tenderness.