
I invite all seven portions of your spirit to be present for this one, in the name of Yeshua.
Spirit, Listen to the word of G-d for you for today….
- The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
- Prepare the way of the L-RD;
- Make straight in the desert A highway for our God.
- Every valley shall be exalted And every mountain and hill brought low;
- The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough places smooth;
- The glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
- And all flesh shall see it together;
(From Isaiah 40:3–5 NKJV)
Spirit, there will be seasons where you feel you are in tough spaces. There may be times when death and destruction and breakings and fire seem to rain from above and all around you is chaos and the Nazgul’s Dark Breath.
But, spirit, Your King, YOUR KING, is very present and orchestrating responses and leading charges and moving on your behalf. There is a voice that cuts across the battlefield donneybrooks, like unto a trumpet, a cry of command.
Spirit, that voice leads to preparation, deep loving preparation. Without any other preamble, or fanfare. It gets to the point, and cuts the confusion that messes with lines of understanding. And the ONLY obsession of the Commander is that a way to you, and a way for you is prepared. Deeply, and definitively set out. So there is no uncertainty.
And it is not just a tiny little footpath, spirit. Rather, it is a highway of holiness to your location, and through the enemy’s camp, leading to the despoiling of the Egyptians.
The mountains have been levelled and the vales and straths have been set into alignment to provide a footpath for your feet. And all of this preparation is unto one thing: the revelation of the King’s glory in the wilderness in your midst. He will make the desert a pool.
And He will break the crookedness, and in its place, set alignment, faithful, straight, and true paths.
So, I bless you, spirit, to receive that process that leads to the expression of His kindness and true purposes for you.
May your path, mind, heart, and every aspect of your life be cleansed of the gunk, and may you receive His deep refreshing.
I bless you to receive that work He does to make the paths clear. I bless you spirit to receive the athelas crushed and steamed to drive back the enemy’s toxic fumes of breath from your senses. I bless you, as the warrior you are, to receive revivifying aromas that bring deep rest and comfort and convalescence. May the King’s Foil fill your senses. I bless you with the reality that “the hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known.”
And I bless you to rest as He comes to you.
Whole, and affectionate love and joy, spirit. In the name of Yeshua.
Thank you for your obedience, bless you Brother