I am not sure how to say this.
The major design of a Mercy is to sanctify time as it is and as the King intends for it to progress.
It is not for the Mercy to move or realign the flow of time in accordance with how they wish it would be.
There is a huge aspect of this tied to their birthright.
If a Mercy can hear from the King, and not meddle with time as they wish it were, but seek for the alignment of time as the King wants it, then there will be a huge payoff…
Even if life is pain, and seasons are full of burning, pain.
You stick to your guns and you leave what happened in Time be, and you redeem the days you have.
No matter if the enemy is adultery; or cancer; or a car accident; or a trauma; or an SRA or CRA; or a bloodline; or a tie-in to a demonic throne or dominion; or bloodline; or relative; or abuse; or rape; or incest; or anything else in all of creation.
If it means you soak in His love, you still do not mess with the timestream, Mercy.
Scott Lang (Ant-Man) is a Mercy. And this film is what will happen when the Mercy, in their hard portion of being reconciled to and hunting for the King’s will for Time, seeks to RUN FROM PAIN.
I cannot say how many times I wished my timeline was other than what it shook out to becoming.
That said, right now, you can impact Time and its flow to the King’s purposes, if you will partner with the G-d Who Is and Who Was and Who Is That Which Will Be.
I know it is painful. The timestream can be intensely painful. And sometimes time, instead of healing wounds, can sometimes be the vehicle that seems to inflict wounds.
3013 days one way.
3013 days another way.
Shattering of spirit and soul.
And then my emotions moving now up, and again down.
Some things just do not seem fair.
And, besides, “fairness” is not a concept found in the biblical text.
Justice and Mercy, however, are.
And you were given Love, not fair, and not fairness.
And G-d’s metric for kingdom dynamics is Justice/Mercy, the Twin aspects of Love.
It is not Love vs. Justice. It is Mercy Paired with Justice as Aspects of Love.
They marry together like red and blue, or peanut butter and jelly, or Linus Torvalds and Giving the Finger To The Corrupt Company NVidia, or broccoli and cheese, or Maine and Raccoons, or Poles and Cats, or Bambi and deliciousness, or Thirty and Aught-Six, or Ferdinand and Nina…

Mercy Gang, you were made for something to handle. And in order to handle yourself, your emotions, and your power under self-control and with gentleness toward yourself, you will have to go through some things that will burnish you and help you learn the meaning of endurance.
And you will either endure or not. Your life is a thread, it breaks or it doesn’t break.
You must lean into Him to endure…
In order to thrive, you must Know Him…
And if you feel broken, then fall into Him, and let Him heal you.
And walk with the King into what He has for you, deep and tender beloved.
For to mess with the timestream will mess with the fabric of essence and reality itself.
Move with you Husband. Know Him. Walk with Him. Seek Him. Rest in Him. Be held by Him. And Seek for the Timestream to flow in accordance with His design.
And give not up your design to sanctify time.
Your responsibility and anointing and design, O Mercy, is to sanctify time as no other gift can.
And you can either sanctify time, move or adjust time, circumvent time, or do nothing.
And the King waits for you to partner with Him.
Your Bridegroom has much for you.
Be at peace.
This was for me. Thank you for posting!
It is an honor, JAde, be blessed.
This. All of this. Thank you.
That is an honor, Renee. We need it deeply. We need to handle our birthright with awe and awareness. So deeply…
I went back to reading this, Renee, and it resonated with me in light of current events. The King has plans for time in this season, and I will say that embracing the pain is how the Exhorter earns authority, but flowing with the pain, and asking the Father to filter the pain, is how the Mercy survives and then thrives. Father-filtered pain is designed to galvanize us, not ruin us.
My heart for you as a friend and sister is that your walk with the King and your Bridegroom and Father is that you would hear with the Blessing of Daniel and receive the supernatural strategies that the King has for you in working with tools, principles, design, and the Divine Council to see time so structured that it flows around you as you flow in precise alignment with HaShem. Be at wholeness and peace as you meditate in the field, Mercy.