I invite your spirit forward in the name of Yeshua.
Spirit, listen to the word of El Shaddai for you for today
“He restores my soul”
From Psalm 23:3
There will be a time period, from conception to a certain period after you were born, where the soul will not be able to express itself. Spirit, during that window, you have an incredible opportunity and a gap of time to grow and strengthen so that you are the leader in your right place, instructing and leading the soul in the way they should go.
And while that gap of waiting for the soul to engage is taking place , I bless you to be free to learn all that is necessary and to know how deeply loved and legitimate you are simply because you were made by Love Himself.
There will be times when, after soup comes online and starts interacting, that soul will get hurt or maybe wounded by careless or mean people.
Life will happen, and stuff will happen, spirit. Crappy, junky stuff. You are going to hear the soul’s heartache as they become in desperate need of restoration and rejuvenation.
So, spirit, I bless you to help soul out of the depths of despair.
I bless you to help soul to a place of restoration.
I bless you in those seasons of woundedness and harm and heartache to CALL FOR THE SHEPHERD and to take your place in assisting the Shepherd heal and restore the soul….
To bring the soul to a place where they will partner with you to point yourselves upward to the King in difficult times.
Spirit, there is a life-giving partnership meant to exist between spirit and soul, with the spirit in leadership, since G-d deals with us on the level of the spirit and not the soul. One of close friends and allies and camaraderie. One of tender love and affectionate connection. One of steadfast love, loyalty, and enduring faithfulness.
And so, I bless you to lead the soul as you connect with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I bless you to show soul the way back to the King, who although He doesn’t interact with us primarily in the arena of the soul, still has a keen interest in seeing the soul restored, since it is the soul and body that are designed to execute the instructions Adonai gives to the spirit.
I bless you to be nimble and loving in your interactions with the soul, just as one who blesses you works at being loving and tender with you.
I acknowledge the need for both spirit and soul to be heal it by simply because they both need to be present and strong in order for us to lead the life G-d always had for us.
Be at shalom, spirit, but also be vigilant and walk in accordance with your powerful design.