I invite your spirit to come forward in the name of Yeshua
Spirit listen to the Word of El Shaddai for you for today:
יְהוָ֥ה רֹ֝עִ֗י
Adonai Ra’ah…
The L-rd My Shepherd
From Psalm 23:1
Spirit, you are soon going to emerge from your mother’s womb into a place of many unknowns. You are going to wonder at reality as it changes rapidly from one place to another. While the body of your mother is providing building blocks for the Father to knit together the sukkah you will occupy for a season, He has already breathed you into the place where you belong.
He has given you a mother and a father who love you fiercely and intensely, and without exception. He has given you a set of messengers who watch over you as you are growing and developing. And He has given you Himself as a resource.
But most importantly, as He has brought you here, He wants to be your Ra’ah, Your Shepherd. He does not want you to hearken to the voice of another. Rather He wants to develop in you as you have transitioned from the multiplied heavens to this place called Time the capacity to hear His voice, in not just the shout, or the spoken word, or the gentle whisper, but also the movement of His eye.
So spirit, I bless you.
I bless you with the capacity for deep hearing.
I bless you for the capacity for deep hearing of your Shepherd’s voice.
I bless you to distinguish all manifestations of that Voice from the voices of other shepherds, to whom you should not listen. I bless you to stay and be content in the fold where your Shepherd leads you, and I bless you to know deeply the leading and gazes that would hold your attention.
I bless you to know His voice? And to be known of Him, and to follow Him, whereever He would lead you.
I bless your parents to partner with the Shepherd to encourage you and show you His deep and many-faceted love and affection.
I bless you spirit to know the feel of what a loving voice sounds like versus an unloving or deceptive voice.
I bless you to refuse to be taken advantage of by others who would claim to shepherd you.
I bless you to recognize where the boundary lines are fallen unto you, and where they are in pleasant places and I bless you to have a goodly heritage.
I bless you to remind others where your boundaries are, and that you only need speak once and the authority that fills your voice and is rooted in the Shepherd’s deep love for you would be sufficient to stop the plans of the enemies of the King, as your boundaries would be perfectly enforced.
And I bless your voice to carry such a weight as you respond to and relay the words of the Shepherd’s Voice that even the would-be predators would back up and fall back to the ground (“Whom do you seek?”, “Yeshua of Nazareth.”, “ I Am He.”, And they drew back and fell to the ground.: John 18:4-7).
I bless you to know deeply when others are attempting to take advantage of you and to speak to the soul and body of this child.
I bless you to speak up as you have need and to walk in the authority of the Shepherd.
I bless you with all of these blessings in the name of Yeshua.