You knew I would not miss this one for the world.
December 17 is here.
Wilbur (Prophet) and Orville (Teacher). The Wrights, from Dayton, Ohio. Not thinking about many things besides their obsession with this contraption and how to keep it in the air, financially and literally. Ponderous studies of birdflight, gliding, weather patterns, and harnessing the wind. Contemporaries that didn’t consider a fraction of the factors they did.
You can have a vision and grandiose plans, but you also need the anchored minds on the ground considering all the variables and how to weave them together into a package that works. When the visionary get hammered, he or she needs a home and a refuge of safety to come home to. A stedfast and burnished rock, a galvanized screw able to turn and stay in place. A warm cup of coffee or tea for the cold and hard climate, a gentle and listening ear to handle the venting, a game to distract the mind from the problems out there, and a heart full of love, trust, and belief within to combat the shit lies of the naysayers and clowns without.
A cool saucer for the hot cup.
A Senate for the House.
A gold for the blue and the red.
A “Peace! Be Still!” for the chaos at sea.
A mindset of rest for the maelstrom at work.
A community of love as protection from the hostility of the adversaries.
And snappy socks and a warm mustachioed face for the dour, meticulously-clean-shaven expression and plain dress of a man obsessed.
A Teacher for the Prophet.
A tinkerer who has considered every angle to keep his tunnel-visioned partner safe.
A man in the plane protecting his brother on the ground.
Chocolate for the raspberries (you know who you are).
And a Tuxedo or a Maine Coon for the doge in your life.
In short, the likeliest of unlikely companions that, when put together, create the life-giving synergy.

Beloved, I invite your spirit to be present as I speak to you for this season.
Spirit, listen to the word of G-d for you for today.
You shall…talk of them…when you walk by the way,
From Deuteronomy 6:7 ESV
Beautiful and affectionate spirit, you have received many things from the King in many seasons of your life, and you have also endured much from season to season. Much that is tough, and much that has been hard, no fun, and painful as Ben Hinnom.
I know that, because of the pain you have endured, you might not trust the King or Abba in heart, but you might have a capacity logically in mind to so do. And that is okay. The King will be patient and tender with you.
I know you might also be hung up on, “what the heck is my destiny?”, and “what is my purpose?”
But I know, as a recipient of the deep love of G-d, I want to bless you with the capacity to access a deep revelation of the Father’s heart when you are ready for it.
I bless you with ease of access.
I bless you with a solid place of hope.
I bless you with the faith that Messiah has in you. You probably have never looked at it that way. Usually we think of how we are repeatedly commanded to believe and have faith, but we too often miss the fact that G-d has faith in us and believes in us. That is why He adopted us. And you, beautiful spirit, were part of that adoption and love.
I bless you with every good and perfect gift that is from above and is specifically earmarked for you.
I bless you when you come in, and I bless you when you go out.
I bless you to be the giver of that love to many, and the recipient of that love from many who are trustworthy.
I bless you with the three square feet of completely-Father-protected space so you can come and go, that your comings and goings may be full of His blessing and favor.
I stubbornly resist and reject and repudiate the clowns and thieves, the faithless and accursed that would seek robbery of you on the highways and the country roads and in the woods.
I bless you with the melekim that minister life and protection while you travel from place to place.
And I call for the Father of Lights, the Ancient of Days to shine His light of every trap and wile of the enemy so that your paths may be made safe, and straight, and cleared.
Spirit, I bless you with love and tenderness and acceptance, and clear skies for your flights and your experiments and your tinkering.
Be filled with His affectionate grace, spirit.
In the name of Yeshua.
Hear O Israel…the Lord our God is one Lord