…the son of David…
From Matthew 1:1
And yes, note the flag. That’s the flag of Iran. The date was July 7, 1987, nearly three years into my wrestling with the enemy from the last post. I was standing outside of a building somewhere in Jacksonville, my birthplace and one of the cities I love.
Standing outside that building, my eyes fell to a newspaper vending machine, and the headline featured some story featuring a Marine Colonel being asked to testify concerning some scandal. The headline said something about Iran, and I, not knowing what it was, heard a voice saying “pray for them”.
From that day to this, my eyes and my heart have been filled with a deep yearning for the people of that place. And though I am Jew, my heart is with them.
That Christ is the Son of David, shows He is also the Desire of David. The Desire of the Beloved. The Lover. The Compassionate. The Son of the Tender-Hearted Mercy. The one who seeks in the street for someone to follow the Voice of Wisdom, with treasures that are not cheaply-gotten. Priceless are these gifts and this understanding.
Not only Is Christ the Son of the Steward Abraham, but He is the Son of the Mercy David. And David believed G-d with a Mercy and a Kindness and a Revelation of His complete Covenant, of His Covenant as embodied in the Desire of the Tenth Commandment. Governing the internal, the interior place, by his spirit, David engaged, with desire, the enemy.
For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living G-d?
From 1 Samuel 17:26
And, though David’s unbridled desire fostered destruction later, it was his zeal and desire for the King’s love that drove the King and the Judge of All the Earth to build David the Beloved an everlasting house.
Beloved, I know how the text is often taught that Persia will fall.
But I also know the text that reads there will be a place in eternity where sundry nations will be honored in the City of the King.
They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations.
Revelation 21:26
That glory and honor of the nations will include the ways in which the L-rd has honored a large group of nations. and I am of the point-of-view that dispensationalism will not account for all of these nations being numbered in the museum of eternity.
Only the King’s tender affection for the Ruler/Judge/Deliverer (China, Russia, England, the District of Columbia), and for Persia will bring their glory, a glory that maybe only He knows about, as well as those who will discern it, into eternity.
This zeal for the L-rd to have a gathering of EVERY nation is embodied in the reality that one day, He will wipe away every tear. And it never says in that text that the only tears He will wipe away will be human tears. A Father honoring their child’s wish to separate will always bring tears out of the heart of that Father. There will be people from every nation that will bring Him to tears. But there will also be people from every nation that bring a fire to His eyes.
Where do we think David and the Son of David get this zeal for compassion from? Rather sounds like a Chip off the Old Block.
Desire of the Nations has a Desire FOR the Nations.
Gang, ponder what needs to be done, and consider not just the Day of His Vengeance against His ancient enemy, but also the simultaneous Year of His Favor upon those children of His in nations that are not yet His, pre-Christian Uyghur Muslims, Shiite Twelvers, Soon-to-be-former-Communists, and embittered former sons and daughters who, out of woundedness, walk as practitioners of witchcraft. Those who would, like the separated AHS’s, when they saw the Affectionate King’s face, as did my beloved daughter, Amberle, on the day of her visitation two years ago this past January 2, would turn in a moment toward Him.
The love in His silvery eyes on that day will cause those who will turn to turn in a moment.
For He is Heaven itself….
And His desire, well-stewarded and managed, will cause even the most-pained child of His, who has even the slightest chance of turning, but who ran away because of religious boxes, dead man’s bones, other man’s standards, and fouled man’s programming and destruction, to come running back to Him.
The Gospel, the good news, of Desire.