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If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.

Proverbs 18:13 ESV

Our government’s job is not to make us safe by stripping us of our natural and G-d-given freedoms.

And calling the government cowardly because of our perception of their perceived inaction in response to death is a straw man.

Our responsibility is to lead the way and initiate the instruction of the principles of responsibility as those rights and responsibilities get passed down from unconfined and godly moms and dads to sons and daughters.

FDR and LBJ engaged in a lot of “do something” that was driven by panic over circumstances and a willingness to circumvent due liberty and process.

Goading people (churches, governments, politicians, etc.) into “doing something” usually results in terrible solutions and even worse execution.

We don’t merely seek to say “do something” in response to a panic. Rather, we look for RIGHT AND PROPER solutions to problems. We look for weighed-out and thoughtful responses to problems once we have gathered all the data and considered the full nature of the problem.

Especially given the wrong theory or hastily-formed-then-acted-upon presuppositions can lead to a terrible solution or solutions that tie our hands rather than freeing them.

The false accusations that politicians are “not doing anything” likely proceeds from a mindset that “any answer is better than no answer”.

At worst it can fell like we are being gaslit into making a quick decision that is worse than the problem.

Not like we have experienced this recently anywhere. Kung flu anyone?

Yeah, I went there. Fight me.

I am not sorry to say that ANY answer is NOT better than the perception of NO answer, especially if the product of any answer is an abridgment of design or principles.

And for those who think this problem is the NRA’s fault…

I would first direct them to wonder why effective laws fail to pass, such as Beth Van Duyne’s (from the Texas 24th district) bill to prevent the expungement of minor criminal convictions upon the 18th birthday of convicted felons. Felonies make one a prohibited possessor.

The truth is, it is primarily the left is not as interested in prosecution as it is in controlling the execution of duly-granted natural rights given to us by G-d due to our inherent design as His sons (see not just the text of Scripture, but also the Ninth Amendment to the Consititution).

In the process of hunting for solutions, proposing solutions that violate the G-d initiated natural order are not advisable.

So, to you who are calling the church, government, or believers cowardly, I would urge you to back away from the keyboard and consider the broader context and all of what is happening.

And for those curious about one such example, here is Dana Loesch’s recounting of the Parkland shooting.

And for those critical of Loesch, she still maintains contact with a whole bunch of parents who lost their kids in the Parkland shooting and whose stories are not being told because the MSM is covering up their stories with propaganda.

For example, here is a book from one of the dads whose daughter was killed in Parkland.

It gets into the policies that made Parkland possible.

Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students


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