Some More Thoughts on Nadab and Abihu’s Death

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I say “more thoughts” because so believe I have written before on this topic, at least one time.

But these thoughts occurred to me a few minutes ago.

Track with me.

What if the L-rd’s issue with Nadab and Abihu, and the reason he struck them down is because they were interfering with the seven day process of cleansing, consecrating, and ordaining Aaron and them to serve as priests?

What if the events of Leviticus 10:1-2 are their interference and insertion of more action that was not needed into the complex process of preparing the men as priests? Indeed, the L-rd instructed that the men were not to leave the threshold of the tent (8:33).

What if the unauthorized fire they offered interrupted the process of remaining on the threshold of the tabernacle to finish the process the L-rd outlined?

I realize it seems like such a small thing to some, and “all they did was offer a little incense”, but that is missing the point. The point is when the L-rd spoke and gave them a fairly involved process, it was in their best interest to do what He said. Period.

Adding to or taking away from the process that was outlined was a disregard for the L-rd’s requests.

Translation: when the L-rd speaks to you and on those occasions where he spells out what you are to do, then do that.

If you interfere with the L-rd’s instructions, and add your own thing, and leave the threshold of your responsibility to perform some add-on that you thought would be a good thing, when He spells out specifically what He wants to you, then you will have to accept the consequences.

Sometimes the L-rd gives us a blank sheet on which to write, and sometimes he hands us a 37 page instruction manual.

It’s excellent when He speaks, and we must be flexible to dance between those times when He lays out a plan, as with the ten plagues, and times when he tells us to write the script, as at the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba.

But when He prepares a full plan, let’s not edit it.

Just some thought, gang.

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