Dear Kanye

I just want to say welcome home. I have no idea what a day in your shoes looks or feels like. I have no idea what kind of trauma you have endured. I have no idea what makes you you. But I’m grateful that the power of redemption goes beyond the power of darkness. And I’m grateful that I know some heavy hitters for the kingdom that seek to rally behind you as you make waves in the spirit realm. So sing your song. Make your music for the King. I’m specifically praying for an infiltration of redemption throughout the entire Kardashian empire. And it’s believers who know how to leverage their sonship in the courts of heaven who have been given that level of authority to make these kind of governmental changes that are the vessels to make things shift here in the physical. It’s already happening. So I just want to let you know I’m rejoicing with the angels that you’re seated here at the table with Jesus. I’m glad you are posturing your heart toward truth and redemptive healing. And I’m backing you up, bro. You and any other person deep inside of you. All of you are welcome. I’m just going to say it again that I love seeing this level of redemption. For all things.
