Typical Exhorter…..that our President should refer to impeachment resolutions as not just a witch-hunt, on Halloween, no less, but as the greatest witch-hunt in American History.
You know, the American political discourse has become little more than a caricature of itself.
Each and every election cycle, the Christian magazines laud this election as the most important in American History, and this Democratic candidate as the most liberal candidate in history.
And we have seen flurries of superlatives erupting from both parties’ camps.
But, gang, and this is my perspective, the sensationalism with which people speak comes at the cost of their credibility.
That is, in fact what “incredible” means. Not credible, not believable,
Incredible Talking Head Prophets
And the prophets that like to jump on board and say “this is what the Lord showed me” and they go to detail how corrupt the corruption is…..
And the talking heads with their talking points….
Meanwhile, I will be quite frank; there is a cohort of my generation that is not interested in what the right or the left have to say. And many of my people who have left the church do not care what the incredible church has to say, precisely because the church has grown to speak without credibility or earned authority in arena after arena.
When you present talking points from a pulpit, instead of teaching deep truth on the deep things of God….. When you put your agenda above the deep zephyrs of rightly dividing the truth of Scripture by the Spirit of God, then you are not handing a cup of cold water to these little ones,
And, by deep truth, I am not talking about rehashing trite sermons on the old interpretation of the fivefold ministry…..
Or the anointing on this or that politician…..
Rather, I am talking about us really huntI got, not for a prooftext to support our case for an over-argued issue, but hunting for principles, and look for answers to problems that have not been solved yet…
When we leave our birthrights for the verbal self-gratification of speaking to current events, we hand to the enemy our credibility, in exchange for our annual, biennial, or quadrennial right to a verbal ejaculation detailing what our soulish nature thinks it has heard from the throneroom, and we look for either devils in every bush or angels behind every rock. “This is what this sequence of numbers means, or this sequence of Hebrew letters, and Isaiah 45 ad infinitum.“
And the enemy knows he can provoke us to speak to the circus he is producing for us, because we have refused to insist on the Lord setting the agenda for warfare.
“demons are like the Kardashians….Good press, bad press, weird press….
Arthur Burk
We are so fixated on that the idea that Kardashians are incredible, that when the Kardashians DO get saved, we are still likely going to criticize them.
Wait a minute, we are already doing that now.
Disbelieving them.
Because our verbal climaxes are more important than our capacity to slow down and be still in order to know that He is I AM, and to really listen.
The way Kanye is evidently so doing in this pic.

And we react instead of respond to every number 5, 7, 22, 5:55, 2:22, 10:31. And, and, and……
And, meanwhile, we let the DC Twostep mesmerize us away from the dance we are supposed to be learning.
The Waltz between son, bride, and family.
Screwing Up The Courts Of Heaven
And we have let Themis tell us what seems right. And we go after what seems right instead of what is right,
And our courtroom obsession with protocols and the fivefold ministry has blocked our ability to develop a relationship with and know our true King, the Judge.
Gang, protocol is no longer of any worth in this season. God is sick of your protocol, especially when it comes at the expense of your intimacy.
Protocol no longer is the priority. And I realize I am slaughtering a sacred cow in both the Pentecostal and the black churches. But we have allowed protocol to supercede intimacy.
And, in the Courts of Heaven, we have taught ourselves to observe protocols for eighty-five different items,
And that doesn’t fix the problem.
Let me show you the three priorities in the COH teaching as.
- Your intimacy and relationship with the Judge.
- Where, if anywhere, have you screwed up.
- What, following your taking responsibility and ownership for your garbage, is going to be the Judge’s ruling, and you get into line with that.
Intimacy, not protocol, is the new spiritual authority. Intimacy leads, flows throughout, and finishes the work of a court case in the Mercy Season, period.
One More Sacred Cow: The Five Fold Ministry And the Pseudoapostolic
We are in the Mercy season, where the Fivefold ministry (check that, what we have popularly labelled the Fivefold ministry) is getting dismantled, so God can show us what the Fivefold really is supposed to look like.
And if you refer to “apostolic oversight” or “apostolic authority”, then you are part of the problem. Because the apostolic is not about authority, oversight, or governance. That is not the heart of the apostolic.
The apostolic is specifically about foundations, and it is about death. Period. Not your title for an office at the top of a pyramid.
Apostles are those who will die first.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church
Sadly, contrary to this reality. we are so caught up in seeing a new apostolic generation, that we did not realize that the old apostolic generation was really a false apostolic generation.
Who will reform the apostolic reformation that has run amok?
Few real apostles are.
That last sentence was a complete thought. Go back and re-read it. The verb in that statement is the being verb “are”.
I certainly have met none that are really vested with that office of apostle.
And apostolic functions have NOTHING to do with oversight, which is only the purview of the overseers, which we call bishops. It has to do with the grubby work of death and service out of love. The only people I know that fit that description work in Mozambique,
Gang, there is way more for us to learn and pick up.
Like maybe the last third of Revelation 12:11.
And we are responsible to carry that authority, and steward it well.
Those who are following an “apostolic ministry”, really stop and think about what they all have in common, and very few of them have the capacity to really call out the true from the false, and they have very little earned authority.
This is something we need to develop. And I realize this post will not make me a lot of friends.
But I am tired to seeing apostolic being blasphemed as synonymous with oversight.
If you call yourself and apostle, die to yourself. And quit calling it a consulting role that oversees a network of churches.
The Life After Church crowd, those of us who are spiritual family tracking with Sapphire Leadership Group, is already continuously vomiting on your crappy exposition of the same tired interpretation,
And I am one of their pastors, and many of them are divided in soul, because of abuse perpetrated on them by the institutional church.
And we are coming for those sacred cows.
And we will indeed slaughter them, because the sacred cow of the fivefold ministry makes the absolute best hamburger.
I’ll have to thank you for the success today