From the Desk of Arthur Burk: The Substitute Leader

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Arthur writes:


Our training on how to dialog WITH the human spirit instead of speaking AT the spirit has begun.

The first exercise was very basic. Talk your partner through the seven portions of their spirit to see who is home and who is not. Then find out who the leader is.

In almost every case, the portion that matched the soul’s redemptive gift was not leading for one reason or another, and another portion had stepped up to fill the empty space.

Imagine a band where the lead guitarist smashed his fingers and can’t play for the event tonight. You can take the bass player and move him over to the guitar.


I suppose. All strings, right?


There IS a difference between a guitar and a bass.

So the devil works overtime to take out the leader of your spirit. There are so many different ways to do it. THEN some other portion is going to step to the front and drive the driverless car, just out of self-preservation.

However, the other portions of the spirit will not respect the substitute leader, will not partner with him or her the way they should, and the whole functionality of the spirit will be compromised.

The “concert” will go on, but it won’t be a world class performance.

This also explains why some people cannot determine their redemptive gift, or they are adamant in claiming a gift that is not theirs.

If the portion of the spirit who is leading is strong and heavy handed, it will define a lot of the choices the person makes through their world view, not the reality of the soul’s redemptive gift.

All told, having the leader who God designed to be in charge is better than any alternative, although we ARE grateful for whoever drove the driverless car for a while.

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