Concering All Who Have Become Pregnant, Either By Force Or By Choice: Abortion Won’t Fix The Problem, No Matter How Devastating

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I was never much one for posting responses to abortion that only castigated women for not keeping their legs closed, not accounting for legit rape.

It’s only a partiplal solution, and I look for fullness in a solution.

So, here are some fuller, more nuanced thoughts.

Pertaining to babies and abortion, there are a couple of situations: those that choose to have sex, and those that have sex forced upon them:

If you are choosing to have sex, then one or more babies is/are likely going to come from that. No one is forcing a single or a couple to have a baby. That is the responsibility that comes with playing. So, have the kid, own your responsibility, or keep them in your pants.

If you did not choose to have sex, but it was forced on you, there is counseling that likely needs to be had, have my sympathy (I am related to a number of rape victims), but killing what is growing inside of you, or could be, is not going to fix anything, but rather, it is going to make things worse.

As for the “deformed baby” argument, and “it’s only going to suffer” argument, I have one question. Do you honestly think you can keep ANYONE from suffering? As if we can prevent suffering by killing. We get dealt a hand, and we have to play THAT hand with savvy. You are suffering. I am suffering. Everybody suffers.

When a baby comes into being, and a sperm and an egg join, it is only because the Father of Lights, who dwells in eternal Majesty, determined that the hand that would be dealt to the resulting infant was worth playing as a weapon against the kingdom of darkness.

Playing that hand is a gambit.

But He is a Gambling Fool, recklessly so.

And we are tools and weapons in the King’s hands (Isaiah 54:16)

And we were designed to walk in temperence and a process that includes suffering for a season (Isaiah 54:1-15) in order to prevail against the kingdom of hell (Isaiah 54:17).

I have said it before, and I will say it again.

If you want the glory of Isaiah 54:17, then you must first pass through the fires and process of tempering of Isaiah 54:1-16.

For those who are rape victims, I am truly sorry, and though I cannot relate to you, I know the one who bore the weight of THAT injustice and conquered against it and its weight.

For those who chose sex, this is how it happens. The process. We we’re made to be fruitful and multiply.

And neither case is justification for telling G-d he is not allowed to play “that hand”.

Work through the wound with Him, but don’t fall for the deception that you can make a problem go away by taking something or killing something.

It does not work that way, and there is ALWAYS fallout from mishandling the gift inside of you, even if the circumstances sucked.

Just my tuppence.


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