With credits to Tim and Chelsea Clark for the pic.
WARNING: Esoteric and potentially weird and experimental post ahead, in the eyes of some. Not sure where I land, or where many of y’all will land with this.
As many of y’all know, my wife and I have been tracking with Sapphire Leadership Group for some time, and one of our strengths as a couple is in working with land, and noting certain land dynamics.
I am the kind of person that will often reflect the attitude of the land I am on. For better or worse.
So, I was busy writing on my friend’s walls, doing some maintenance after a long day, praying, working, and I came upon something in a pic belonging to a friend of mine. And I barely have words for this, so don’t take this as hard-and-fast; it is just a possible theory for what I am seeing.
I was looking at the above picture, and saw a portal in Tim and Chelsea’s closet here, where Tim was laying with his dogs, and the caption for the photo reads
“I’m just gonna go spend some alone time in the closet. Five minutes later…”
So, there was an anointing of rest in the closet, according to Chelsea, and I looked again, and I saw something. A structure….a portal.
And I know about Time Portals, Fragrance Portals, Sound Portals, and Earth Gates, but not this kind of portal, and it occurred to me, the portal that creates rest.
A portal that reflects the Seventh Day, paralleling the gift of Mercy.
And then it hit me.
The principle for the Seventh Head of Leviathan (Essence). The concept of rest and being, and following the account of the seventh day, we see the following physical dynamic, which could have a spiritual equivalent in Genesis 2.
Genesis 2:5–6 ESV
“When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the L-RD G-d had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, and a mist/a spring/streams (depending on your translation/manuscript/rendering) was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—”
Walk with me through this one.
Man did not have to do anything to water the surface of the ground. Rather, the L-rd provided whatever the source of water was that watered the surface of the ground. It was all done by the L-rd. In a Teacher plot of land (the Garden of the L-rd, eastward in Eden), the L-rd walked and provided the thing needed.
So, this mist/spring/streams represents something that just is. The water’s beingness, is what provides the means of irrigation. Man can rest after doing the work assigned to him, which is a picture of what is happening to Tim in the above picture. It just bubbles up, as a boil from a spring or a gusher.
In essence, ethereal as it might seem, I think we are dealing with a Mist Portal/Essence Portal/Rest Portal/Spring Portal/Streams Portal.
And what I saw was something bubbling up, providing something that Tim did NOT have to strive for, or build,or make, or do. All he had to do was receive. And his dogs were knocked out with him.
Oriented like so.

So, just some Mercy-esque thoughts.
Mercies, be reminded and encouraged. There are times to fight and do the struggling work, granted. There is a season and a time for the filial (sonship) work of building. But be at peace in your essence and being knowing that you do not have to work like a dog to earn Dad’s mercinate conffectiompassion.
It is not yours to fight for, any more than Jephthah had to sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering in order to win the favor from G-d that he already had. He already had G-d’s heart and emotions and the victory in hand.
Sometimes, there is no formula for getting something done. Sometimes, you just have to led Father speak into you and just be with you.
Sometimes, you just need….
To be….
The Mist Portal seems to provide the treasure or treasures of rest, wholeness, affirmation of essence, and/or affirmation of being.
Hi 🙂 I just noticed this link on the unofficial SLG FB group page and was drawn to it even though I’m generally very cautious about the spiritual intensity and complicatedness of most people’s posts. I found your presentation surprisingly easy to read and your description of an essence portal resonates for me. From time to time I also observe spiritual structures through the “visual portal” of photographs or in the world around me. A term that has often come to mind is “energy well”. I’ve wrestled with that perception on account of the principle of needing to receive life from above, but the connection you’re making to the Genesis verse about the surface of the ground getting water before there was any rain makes a lot of sense.
Devorah, I am honored that you took the risk. I want you to know that just because I present something and say it strongly, that I can be wrong, and I am grateful for the opportunity to hear other perspectives on an issue. Please, if you choose to click on a post, feel free to ask or challenge if you are led to. I will work to connect with you and see if I cannot include your thoughts in the redrafts, etc.
Again, extremely honored you took a chance here.
As this is a spanking-new concept, I look forward to further dialogue on this topic and seeing what people’s experiences bear out.
Curious about how the “waters underneath the earth” (aquifers and other sources) can affect the Mist/Essence Portals.
Be blessed, friend.
Thanks for your sensitive response. I understand well the emotional force that leads to strong statements in the passion of the moment 🙂 The first time I experienced a type of energy well it was actually in the form of a “fire pit” that I liked to stand in and feel its warmth. In my current location there’s simply an air current rising up in a circular space around the entrance door and I feel more heard there. I really wonder what force God had in place to cause a rising mist to literally water the face of the ground and how that might still be at work in some places releasing the spiritual vitality that God originally placed into the depths of earth layers under our feet. The apparent blend of natural dynamics with it being a “well” yet the energy coming from the land rather than water is something that fascinates me.
Good Morning,
This prophet warrior is comforted and blessed by the beauty of the Father providing this refreshing by His Living Water, which resonates with His alignment and cleanses us and gives us rest from our striving and discipline. “…But Father gives the increase.”
Thank you for sharing this vision. I pray that this closet will replace back to birth all of the terrifying and defiled closets that we grew up fearing.
PS: On the subject of Jephthah, please see the following for a deeper and historically educational interpretation.
Shannon, thank you so much for the thoughts. I look forward to the link.