I am receiving in the mail a book from Peter Enns, his latest, tomorrow. And it is my intent to share a full, honest, and unadulterated review of it both good and bad.
Now, as an ever-devoted follower of all things good and godly, I must say that this book is guaranteed to carry some of Pete’s trademark Teacher humor and provocative thoughts. And doubtless, some of those thoughts will raise a few eyebrows.
That said, I like to read broadly, even with things whose points I may not fully agree. The first two chapters have proven one thing: he knows how to write an engaging and entertaining work, and he excels in forcing us to see the Bible as pointing us toward wisdom and searching matters out, rather than viewing it as a magic answer book, the Instructions, or Cliffs Notes to life, which it most assuredly is not.
Furthermore, given Pete has written one of the best Commentaries on Exodus, and given the premise of this book is that the Scripture means to point us toward wisdom, I would highly recommend all of y’all grab a copy as it becomes available and see what there is in it. I look forward to reading the rest of the story. Thanks, gang.