‘And it is also said,’ answered Frodo: ‘Go not to the Elves for counsel for they will answer both no and yes.’
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, One-Volume Edition, (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1999), 83.

And I know this is in the free stuff on Sapphire Leadership Group’s Spartanburg website. But there is a value here. And Arthur enjoys reviews of his material.
First, the concept of light and sound being part of the same spectrum is only partially true. Starsongs, Sound Portals, lights do carry frequencies, and, as a result, you have these waves that move back and forth. That said, sound that emerges from non-light sources, as in the case of vocal cords, is not tied to light. That is, my perscepctive, this teaching is not arguing that all light and all sound are part of the same spectrum, but rather, there is a frequency that emanates from light, a sound (for lack of a more precise word) if you will, that is something that can actually be heard. Not all sounds are tied to or sourced in the concept of light.
Light itself is both wave and a particle (a phenomenon called wave-particle duality), and therefore, as a wave, light can be the source of something that is akin to–and actually–a sound.
Separating from the sound and frequencies that emanate from light sources, sound that emanates from non-light sources is a wave of pressure that disrupts the particles in its vicinity.
So, you have sound frequnecies that come from light.
And you have sound frequencies that are not tied to or rooted in light.
Where light and sound meet, for the purposes of this teaching is the wave aspect of light that creates pressure and therefore emanates sound. So, we are describing both/and here. But there are sounds created that are not sourced in light and therefore are not part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, because sound does not have the property of mass, as does light.
Now, that we have the physics out of the way, let’s consider the teaching.
Arthur begins this concept with the idea of generational memories and he pulls from the idea of “you have made me to trust at my mother’s breasts” (Psalm 22:9). He moved from this passage and made known the concept of eye contact, given light flows into our eyes and is therefore reflected back out, and with the concept of fiber optics, light is capable of therefore carrying data. And the eyes of our primary caregivers help either root and stabilize us or uproot and destabilize us. The light that flows from our eyes carries with it data of some form, either data that says we can trust in this life, we cannot trust in this life, or we are in for a life that is a mixed bag.
From there, Arthur moves to reframe Jezebel and Ahab from this issue of trust. Most people who develop Jezebel and Ahab spirits do so because a lack of trust was fostered in them either because they were wounded, or because their primary caregiver was wounded. And when we make an agreement that we are not going to trust or take matters into our own hands, we open the door for a perversion by a demonic entity to mess with us, oppress us, control us, or subvert us.
This is a quick two-disc shot and it carries some very brightening truth that will help us place our light sources in the right roots and right soil, and it is good for us to take hold of and hear Arthur out and work at making Him our root, and choosing to be intentional when it comes to by faith appropriating trust in Him by turning to gaze at Him and into His eyes.
Seriously, go grab this set and listen to it, and ask Him to give you new memories and to reframe the old ones, or to get rid of those memories that traumatize you.
Ask the L-rd to show you His eyes, and see His eyes, for if you are His, then:
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go and I will guide you with My EYES.
Psalm 32:8