Many Thanks…And Also Some Thoughts On Transition

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To those of you who have started following me at some point since I started this blog following my transtion from Google over 7 years ago, thank you.
The posts transitioned from Blogspot we’re definitely indicative of a rougher set of days–days from which I was disconnected.
I understand now why I was disconnected. I was unheard by many people, when I was designed, evidently to be heard. So much was locked up in me for decades. And now, having spent years apart from my timeline and also from my effective voice, there is a place for this river to rush.
And it will not stop.
I know now the significance of those words Father uttered at the end of my Sophomore Year in college.

Do what you enjoy.

I stepped out of the safety of what I believed was a profitable major, into doing what I loved.
And the workload went down.
I barely broke a sweat those, even working among feminists, lesbians, and all sorts of people who were contrary to my views and philosophy.
I took a class on Colonialist Lit from a Muslim immigrant from the West Bank.
I dealt with people who frequently enjoyed emasculating men, and I negotiated that process with skill because Father used that department to unpack a major strength.
My writing and work with words.
I learned how to write and that well precisely because Father told me to do what I enjoyed.
It was an exceptionally bright spot in the midst of a rough church season and prequal to a rougher spiritual season.
And from the beginning of darkness until today, I was able to read Holy Writ and write about it.
I began to be set apart as a Scribe.
It was during that dark season that TPH began.
It was during those early posts, where I worked to honor my first wife that those early posts happened.
Even on those posts, there I recognize the gall of wormwood.
But thinking about the Scriptures was a light spot in the darkness.
So, for those, especially Brian Fulthorp of συνεσταυρομαι, the firstfruits of my followers, and an old, loyal Teacher friend, I have to express my gratefulness.
To every reader…
Of every post…
Of every rumination…
And every friend…
I offer heartfelt thanks…
And I can say, those early posts, made up of constipated thoughts, were rough.
And they form part of this blog.
Read them if you dare.
And the newer posts do have a ease that flows across them.
And I am floored when I see the readership that is global. South Africa. American Samoa. New Zealand. Australia. Kenya. Sweden. Norway. Ireland. The U.K.. Ghana. Germany. France. Belgium. Ecuador. Taiwan. Canada. And the list goes on and on.
So, if you are blessed in reading this blog, and you think what we have to say here at TPH would benefit someone else, feel free to share.
I know I will be writing books as well. I have three in the works right now.
One on the names of G-d.
Another on this theme of Blessings of Stillness.
And a third on the letter to the Ephesians.
So, for those who have taken the time to read, and to enjoy my labor of affection, I am deeply honored.
And now…because I refuse to write without some such thought or another, on to the important stuff. On to the steaks!
Pictured above is the near final clean-out that marks the clean end of a season.
The season of Missouri the separation from my sons, and the dumping of everything negative which that season represented.
Those are the majority of the remains of the bunk beds we bought for Isaac and Emmaus while we were in Southwest Missouri.
I was so glad to get rid of that because it didn’t fit the flow of anything I have had since my season in Connecticut ended.
I get really buggy and irritable when flow gets tweaked or out-of-whack.
And those bunk beds, designed so the lower bed was set 90° to the upper bunk in order to add shelf/drawer space on one side and a desk on the other disrupted flow anywhere they went.
And today, they were gone, and with them, a massive spiritual clog.
And on top of the deletion of that clog…

I left my job as a commercial Electrician’s Helper.
And my and Pam’s armorbearer transitioned to a season where she is songwriting again, and she is experiencing massive shifts in other areas as well. And I am dealing with some blockages as well in how I see my wife and my role and office of husband.
And Emmaus’ birthday, the 8th, included some significant breakthroughs for us as a family.
It is turning into
Α καιρός time.
A fitting season…
An opportune time.
This is a season of transitions, and we are getting some solid and massive field experience in learning how to manage transitions.
I am homeschooling my sons, I may have found a side hustle, I am working at finding and creating flow in my office space and garage space, I will have a second opportunity to significantly impact them.
I had them for the first six years of their lives, and now I will get them for at least six more years to make a better impact.
And there will be some pastoral transitions in which I will be able to engage with my family.
The καιρός season is not the same as a moment in regular time. Rather it is a window, a season, a movement.
Gang, this is a time approaching where we will have a chance to meet with our destiny. A window for reconciliation.
So, let’s dig in.

6 thoughts on “Many Thanks…And Also Some Thoughts On Transition

  1. Celebrating with you, my friend. Happy to hear the update and get to feel your peace in the transition. Praying for you today!

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