DID PART 2 Session 2

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DID PART 2 Session 2

There is a better way…

Your spirit was designed to lead.

The specific process of counseling.

The fractal of four

Father Son Spirit Kingdom

Bring that fractal into your counseling.

Each of these has a particular application in our daily life.

Father is about community and people.

Jesus Christ is about reconcile all things, not people. He came to change us from victims to dominions

The Holy Spirit is about nature.

Not often talked about.

Look at these as a facet of

When a client is able to be life-giving to someone else, is the kingdom.

Kingdom is about your legacy

Connecting with others. Was that a community, a dominion, a nature, or a legacy component?

Dominion, is the issue of the Son. Celebrating the power of Jesus as dominion.

With the creation stories, it is the people that G-d meets with in the context of creation.

That was a Father moment, that was a Jesus moment, that was a Creation/Spirit moment, that was a legacy moment.

Savoring moments.

Intentional about savoring the fractal of four.

G-d is at work helping us with our spirits, if we will deepen and engage.

The discipline of savoring in three parts: thinking, speaking, or writing. Where is your strength?

When you move into a counseling situation, your soul often steps to the front. When you move into the place that during the session, G-d is going to meet you, that is where the power, presence, and glory can surprise you. ANTICIPATE.

The primary purpose of meeting with an individual is to encounter G-d.

The new is more invigorating than the old.

The bigger the problem to solve, the more G-d can show up and the greater the playing field.

If you are engaged as a healer, it is an unnatural for your soul. You will turn to meds or sour, unless your spirit is awakened, and unless you are encountering G-d.

If I can identify it if I can define it, I can be much more effective in being intentional at putting together a strategy for solving the issue.

We have been fed a lie that hearing G-d’s voice equals maturity.

Seeing is a possible way of his voice.

Permission to lead visually.

2 thoughts on “DID PART 2 Session 2

  1. Seeing is a way of His voice, it is a place for Him to break in and say this is what it is, this id what it looks like and this is what to do, my seeing is always highly engaged during deliverance, this is one way i know that is a place i am called to be!

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