Carl Killingsworth would get a kick out of this. Hah hah hah. The guy who did this lives in Dorking, UK. Stellar.

Carl Killingsworth would get a kick out of this. Hah hah hah. The guy who did this lives in Dorking, UK. Stellar.
From the desk of Jim West
Because, she says, she felt ‘threatened’ by the toddler’s father. So she sprayed the both of them.
An 18-month old child was pepper-sprayed by a woman who claims she felt threatened by the toddler’s father. The Daily News reports the altercation began when Craig Sowby was walking his dog at the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park and the leash got tangled. His toddler was walking away, so Sowby released the dog and grabbed the child. Meanwhile, the unleashed dog approached Gene and Stephanie Wesloh, who were walking their own dog. Stephanie Wesloh pepper sprayed the animal and an argument ensued. Sowby said Wesloh kept pointing the pepper spray at him and his son, who was in his arms, so he tried to take it from her. That’s when she sprayed them. Sowby fled down the trail with his child, but Wesloh followed and sprayed them again.
I guess Shrew Steph felt really pressed to pepper spray that 18 month old. Those little ones can be violent as all get out, can’t they? Or maybe she just acted like an inconsiderate, self-absorbed, shrewish, depraved, git. Or maybe she’s just one of those people who takes the violent course at the least provocation. Or maybe she just didn’t trust Gene (her husband?) to take care of the situation if it escalated. No, why do that, when you can whip out pepper spray and assault a little child…
People… they’re just absurd and most of them totally curved in on themselves. Like Stephanie.
I say this is foolish. Many people are.
Here is the hyperlink
3 Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you.
God promises His abiding presence and a confirmation of the oath He swore to Abraham to multiply descendants of faith after the manner of Abraham’s faith. Blessing and provision are sure to follow obedience to God’s spoken promises.
Continued in the next post.
Want to know what the status of the American church is in many places? Consider this link by brother Jim West. Absolutely pins the tail where it belongs. Of course, Christians ought to be reminded never to confuse going to church with being a believer. Nevertheless, commitment to communing in faith is evidence of our commitment to Christ.
I have been alone with my thoughts since coming to Connecticut. I have had a lot of time to think, since no one has yet hired me. Though I am still very happy to have the friends I have, and though I have the Lord, some hole and void is still there. A gnawing. I miss those people in Ohio, Missouri, and Florida who mean so much to me, and who I can call, come over to their houses, and hang out and spend an hour or two, picking up where we left off.
Don’t get me wrong, New England is great, and has been great. The people are among the nicest in the country, and the landscape is among the most beautiful in the world. I would not trade that for anything, knowing I am in the center of God’s will. But it sometimes feels as though the center of God’s will can grow lonely, especially now that I am climbing up to a place that partly meets my calling and the thing in which I will be most fulfilled and satisfied doing: classical ministry, as it were.
I am working through some of these issues, and praying, as I keep applying to work and setting my resume out, that the Lord’s door will open in this complicated situation.
Work would be nice.
dFirst of all, let me reassure those of you who think I might be experiencing marriage problems, which is leading to my FB suspension, let me reassure you that is not the case. My wife and I are doing quite well, and it really is the marriage conference, in large part, which provoked me to take this hiatus. I am really enjoying the last few days, and being able to take care of convalescing relatives (two sons and my wife) has really given me a good dose of patience and pleasure in the smaller things in life (namely Isaac and Emmaus).
Secondly, this blogging is no attempt to circumvent FB to communicate with others. I am not that smart or desperate (well, okay, maybe that smart, but certainly not that desperate).
Okay, so, back to my post. I was reading the latter fifth of Genesis, and it just occurred to my on Monday I had a dream about my future as well. If the dream comes true, I will be back in Missouri at some point.
The latter fifth is about Joseph, the son of Jacob, who was sold into slavery in Egypt and rose from the prison to become the chief Egyptian administrator. I would say that he was sold into slavery by his envious brothers because he shot off at the mouth rather than humbling himself and keeping the dreams within. The odd thing, perhaps, is that if he had not shared those dreams, he might not have gotten sold into slavery. Perhaps he was meant to tell his brothers, and the were meant to get envious, and his destiny was to be sold into slavery in Egypt. This says something about our circumstances. No matter how bad they get, God can still use even the worst of them to do a massive amount of good. Perhaps, sometimes, it is by His permission, these less-than-ideal circumstances are allowed into our life so that His glory can be manifested and made known. For certain, without Joseph’s running off at the mouth, his family and that entire segment of the known world might have died off.
Moreover, who is to say that there are not times when God finds it necessary, in order to launch us into our ultimate destinies, to permit a lot of adversity, including prison and poverty.
Job, anyone?
I wonder what Calvin would say about this…