Do I really…?

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I have been alone with my thoughts since coming to Connecticut.  I have had a lot of time to think, since no one has yet hired me. Though I am still very happy to have the friends I have, and though I have the Lord, some hole and void is still there.  A gnawing.  I miss those people in Ohio, Missouri, and Florida who mean so much to me, and who I can call, come over to their houses, and hang out and spend an hour or two, picking up where we left off.  

Don’t get me wrong, New England is great, and has been great.  The people are among the nicest in the country, and the landscape is among the most beautiful in the world.  I would not trade that for anything, knowing I am in the center of God’s will.  But it sometimes feels as though the center of God’s will can grow lonely, especially now that I am climbing up to a place that partly meets my calling and the thing in which I will be most fulfilled and satisfied doing:  classical ministry, as it were.  

I am working through some of these issues, and praying, as I keep applying to work and setting my resume out, that the Lord’s door will open in this complicated situation.  

Work would be nice.

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