Blessing of the December Window of Reconciliation #7: Destiny Aspect, Right Product, Right Lane, Right Path

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward, this time to attention, and though I am not a drill sergeant, this blessing might be a bit more on the proactive side of things. And that is okay.

Spirit, I would like for you to join me for a few minutes. Spirit, if you will, listen to the word of G-d for you for today. As much as what I am about to say might sound like home to you, it’s not about home. It is about the journey.

G-d said to Jacob, “Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there. Make an altar there to the G-d who appeared to you when you fled from your brother Esau.”

Genesis 35:1 ESV

Arise and Go

Spirit, Qum, lechu. That’s Hebrew for “get up,” or “arise,” and “walk”. We have an excursion. Jacob’s life at this point was not about sitting on his keister and duff and allowing G-d’s purposes to come to him, because there were plenty of enemies surrounding him. His sons Simeon and Levi (the Prophet and the Teacher) had just gotten done making a mess of his relationships with the land of Shechem, after what Shechem had done to their sister. Jacob’s apparent refusal to deal in justice on behalf of his daughter led to the circumstances where his sons had to fix things, and it cost them.

Spirit, arise. Kum. Your perspective in this season is about to change, as is your geography, but only if you want them to change. G-d can give you the vision, but you have to move. Lechu. It is time to get the blood flowing into your legs as you see out the new thing Father is about to do in you.

It is not about sitting and letting life happen to you, letting it pass you by. It is, in this season about minding the gap and jumping aboard the train whereever the L-rd is going to see it.

Spirit I bless your reaction time to be speedy and full of vitality.

To Bethel

Spirit, you need vision, and open access to heaven and to see what the King is doing on your behalf.

In order to accomplish that, you MUST be seated in the right place in order to receive. You must go to the right piece of land, buy it, no matter if that land is in the People’s Republic of California (which is severely hurting after the gang-raping of the 1840’s), or if that land is on Manhattan Island, or the mountains of Bethel. It might mean that you have a journey to a land that is not in alignment with the current nature of your current set of resources. You might have to liquidate your current set of assets and change them out to a diferent set of resources.

I bless you with the willingness to go where you need to go, and I bless you with the skill to initiate trades into the resources that will suit your location.

Dwell There

Spirit, Jacob was not sent to Bethel to merely have a worship service and move on, but rather to live on and get used to the flow of the land, which was radically different than Aram Naharaim. The land was designed to become his home. And, spirit, the land of Bethel was made to feed Jacob’s spirit repeatedly, just as it had fed him in Genesis 28:11-22). He was made for that land to unpack vision and a purpose for the remainder of his life.

Spirit, I bless you to move to and dwell in the land Father wants for you in this season, and I bless you to receive from and give to the land the things Father has in that exchange. I bless you to expand and your vitality to grow.

I bless you to have the depth of well to draw from as you begin to dwell on that land where you belong, and to find in the Father’s presence, your belongingness, and in the presence of Jesus, your worth, and in the Holy Spirit, your competency.

Make An Altar

Spirit, when you get home to the piece of land where you belong, I bless you to make an altar to the L-rd. And I bless you to celebrate the L-rd’s purpose in creating you and hardwiring you for greatness. I bless your competency and your dominion. And I bless you to know that you have a place along each season of your journey where you belong.

I bless you to not neglect the gift of G-d that is in you from conception, from the new birth, and from the laying on of hands. I bless your altar and place of dedication to the King to not be corrupted or disrupted by any scheme of the enemy, and that when the enemy attempts to assault you at the altar, that the L-rd would thunder against him and all of his schemes.

I bless you with a deep revelation of the Holy Trinity and the Divine Council as you spend time meditiating in His presence.

Escape From Esau

Spirit, you cannot pursue your path fully, nor produce your G-d-ordained product for the kingdom, so long as you are allowing yourself to be subject to the spirit of jealousy. The lane, dear heart, will not be straight so long as you jealousy is permitted a place at your table. I give you permission to rout jealousy completely, spirit.

Truly, truly, I bless you to remember the L-rd’s former deliverances from the hand of those who have flowed against you in the spirit of jealousy. I bless you, spirit with comprehensive protection from Adonai Tsevaot, the L-rd of Hosts, and from Adonai Echad, the L-rd who is One, and the Father of the Heavenly Lights, which are the Hosts of Heaven, and the Father of the L-rd of Hosts, Yeshua ha-Mashiach.

Spirit, I bless you with deep peace, and I bless you with a strong and well-callibrated plumbline that helps you not take the bait of deception.

I bless you not to succumb to the temptation to
throw a wet towel on yourself,
limit yourself,
corral yourself,
edit yourself,
emasculate yourself,
or engage in the abominable practice of pharonic circumcision to your vitality and your fullness just because others cannot handle you, spirit.

Father can handle you, and your shipmates can handle you. The junk theology cannot handle you though. So I bless you with your hands being taught to war and your fingers to battle.

Zero Tolerance For the Deception That Takes Advantage of the Open Door Created By Jealousy


It. Is. Written.


Every single good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, the Father Who Does Not Change, in the way shifting shadows ever change.

In Brilliant, real-white, opalescent light, sitting on the infinitely-colored-and-yet-Agean-Azure-Sapphire Throne between the infinitely-eye-laden wheels-within-wheels with sight in all direction. He is the Kaleidoscope Superior. And He provides the right, multi-faceted lenses, cut perfectly so you can see exactly what you need to see in sequence, as the colored chips of His polyvareigated wisdom and glory fall right into place right into sequence, in perfect alignment without a violation of your free will, as in the mystery of the syncronization between his sovereignty and your free will, there is an perfect enmeshment of light and truth.

Spirit, I bless you with the revelation that,
even thought He is sovereign…
He is not in control…
And does not always get what He wants in the culture…

But, spirit, with you, as you partner with Him and hear what He wants to do, and it blesses you and you partner with it, and walk in agreement with it, may the light fall into place where He wants it, and may you be enlivened to action and to causes that will leave the kingdom effects in place, so that, at least with you He does get what He wants.

I bless you, spirit, to value everything that He values, and that fully includes the good things He has placed in you.

And I bless you to refrain from damning yourself in ways and areas where He has not.

And above all of this, I bless you spirit with the revelation that He is happy and pleased with how He made you, even when the Calvinists who demand a whipping boy for all of their junk doctrine of the condition of believers do not. I bless you to receive Father’s approval ESPECIALLY when dour-faced, piss-and-bleach-guzzling, jealous believers do not approve.

I bless you spirit, with the revelation that Father loves what He sees when He looks at you, and He laughs with you and helps you to ascend to the place where His blueprints are. I bless you with an enjoyment rather than a self-flagellation of your identity, because spirit, He made you, designed you, and hardwired you as you are, whether Prophet with your high-strung emotion and cranky attitude toward unrighteousness, or Servant with your knack for helping everyone, or Teacher with your Anchor truth, slow gait, and FREAKING AWESOME PLACE OF SAFETY, or Exhorter with your breathtaking revelation and breathless pace of horizontal human relationships, or Giver with your wealth of gathering resources and being able to discern the pith of a situation, or Ruler/Judge/Deliverer, with your capacity to build an empire with a skeleton crew and do much with few imperfect resources, or Mercy with your touchy-feely Ethereal affection and intimacy and erstwhile whimsy and bouts of meloncholy.

Every gift that comes from the Father of Lights is both good and perfect, even those gifts that seem hard and come with a high responsiblity, and even those gifts that may seem like they are causing pain. I bless you with the skill to parse out between the pain that comes from the clowns and the enemy, and the pain that comes as a gift from the Father to refine you.

I bless you with His light, love, and pleasure in your hunting for your right path, your right lane, and your right adventure. I bless you will all of these revelations in the name of Yeshua ha-Mashiach.

Concerning Fathering: My Perspective On What Is Missing

Matt. 13:12 For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

Matt. 21:43Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.

Matt. 25:29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

What I am going to say is doubtless going to cause some who view spiritual fathering as the great takeaway in this generation of the church to be greatly disappointed.
I have a spiritual father.
The sad thing, is that, I have always had him, and he was always available.
So, let me explain below.
The fact remains: We have a generation of unfathered men and woman, and it has been this way for decades. I don’t need to cite stats because many of y’all already know them.
In an attempt to stave off this culture, many believers in our generation, Jew and non-Jew, have affirmed the following broken model.
“I don’t have a father. I will ask or beg this or that person to father me or mother me. That person agrees to it.”
And we blissfully proceed down a path to paradise, because, now after all, we have a spiritual father.
What we didn’t explain or understand is that there are these sets of expectations that we bring to the table in a fathering relationship. The “father” has one set of expectations, and the “son” has another set of expectations.
The problem arises when we insert the broken model of fathering that we call “covering” into these relationships. This perverse teaching flows from the spirit of antichrist, and I will cover that in another post.
And what is missing from a lot of these fathering relationships, which I will cover in this post, is the foundation and impetus for fathering relationships: the presence and acknowledgement of the one thing that, as a believer, you and I already have: access to and a relationship with a perfect, loving heavenly Father. 11354
As a matter of fact, when I became a follower of Jesus, back in 1984, it was precisely in the context of a fathering/filial relationship.
Jesus showed up in my bedroom (whether it was a dream or an open vision that detail is fuzzy to me). He was wearing a plain linen robe and that was pretty much it. Very simple. There was no mistaking who this was. He then asked me, “what do you want?”
Hello, blank check.
Solomon, son of David.
And I can still remember the words falling out of my mouth, though I can tell you to this day, that those words did not come from a wound or any place of my soul; they were just the most logical words I ever spoke. And because of the simplicity and non-woundedness of them, I am believe they came from my spirit.
“I want a godfather.”
And His response, which I won’t easily forget was this:
“I will be your G-dfather.”
From that moment, I was clearly able to articulate that Jesus was the Son of G-d. I was able to say He was the Son, but I was not able to clearly articulate why. In short, this was when I was saved.
So for those of you that like to spit and say, “there is no way, because this or that is how you get saved and it works for everybody”, I can only respond as a Mercy would respond:
“That. So. Doesn’t. Work. For. Me.”
Yes, I am not a Mercy, but I had a whole host of unusual experiences that happened to me that have some Mercy flavor.
See, some people cannot understand that not everybody who becomes a Christian does so through saying a sinner’s prayer at an altar with someone else.
Now, do I have an awareness of sin? Yeah. I grew into that awareness, pretty quickly, and the repentance that followed, I also grew into.
But what it took for me to really grasp the idea of the Fatherhood of G-d was a series of very painful, broken relationships that happened after I left the Methodist Church for college. I hooked up with a CP (Classical Pentecostal) Denomination while in college and as many people in the late 1990’s got sucked into a perversion of the fivefold ministry and the “covering” nonsense, and the garbage that came with that. And it came at a high price to the end that I spent 14 years trapped in a combination of a Philistine Curse, the Negative 5th Head of Leviathan (where people could not hear my heart rightly), the Mesmerizing Spirit, and a number of negative Spiritual Structures.
During those years, a set of spiritual structures was set in place by my spiritual mother at the time that caused other people to see me as “crazy” and “unstable”. Those came in the form of a straitjacket in the spiritual realm and sedatives that were pumped into me and labels.
And that nonsense was only broken after I rejected the “spiritual parents” that parented by control, rejected that Mesmerizing Spirit, understanding the one thing I needed was something I already had: namely, that I already have a Father (many joyous thanks to Sandy Landry for helping me there), and breaking up the spiritual structures that affected me deeply (thank you, Megan Caldecourt for the language to explain what those things were).
Today, here is what I know through principle. We don’t need spiritual parents.
Yeah, I will let that bomb explode and then expand on it.
We do not need to go to anyone and beg them to father or mother us.
Now, let’s expand on this.
We started this walk with Jesus as a personal relationship. We love to emphasize, in Protestant Christianity, the notion of “personal relationship with Jesus.”
But, more often than not, we reject it in practice. We have this idea that Jesus saved us, but we are often not interested in cultivating the relationship into a relationship. Many times, we are not willing that He should influence the stuff of our Monday through Saturday reality. We don’t want Him in our job, or marriage, our parenting, our errands, our chores, our lawnmowing, our feeding the birds, our our Facebooking.
And on that last point, so Facebook turns to Faceb****. And so much of our life remains much the same as it did before we met Jesus, because we don’t let that relationship impact our lives.
The passages above say it clearly. If you have, more will be given, but if you don’t have, then what you do have will be taken from you.
Hey, gang of Christians, you have been given a personal Father already. He is spiritual. He lacks no resources to parent you, and yet you are running after this person or that person begging him or her to father you or mother you, when Father wants to be your first spiritual father and your first place of dumping and your first place of crying and your first counselor.
When I hunted for a spiritual father and mother, the relationship with the one Father I had stagnated. Everything was taken away and devoured in many areas.
But when I recognized that I had Him as a Father, then He added to that package some precious people as fathers and mothers, not to suck them dry, but to get some other perspective.
He added and grew the connection between me and Arthur Burk (who is the closest thing I have to a good male counselor/mentor/father type person in the flesh, and the expectations that are there are in the context of Matthew 6:33). Arthur talks honestly and openly about stuff, and there is more of a two way thing that happens there. It’s healthy, at least as how I see it. I act as a son of the Heavenly Father, and hunt for my own resources, and when I have a nut that I can’t crack on my own, I ping Arthur, who says “have you checked over here or here”. And back to tooling I go. Because I am first and foremost a son of G-d.
And the Father also grew the connection between me and Sandy Landry. There is a precious bond that has multiplied there, that is without words. She has…spoken with dignity to me and helped me to receive of the Father’s embrace such that I could become a father myself.
And I am growing into a place where I am able to father others.
If we don’t act like we have, then what we do have will be devoured. But if we as believers stop and recognize that we have a Father already, and EMBRACE HIM HAS OUR FIRST AND PRIMARY FATHER, then He will begin to add other things to us.
But the key is that we stop acting like we are slaves and servants, and embrace our identity as His sons. “For we are His offspring” (Acts 17:28).
In Him, not in others, we live and move and are (Acts 17:28).
And we are His workmanship, not the workmanship of another human being (Ephesians 2:10).
Gang, you already have a Father, and He is available.
Until you can receive that Father, you need to stop chasing after this or that person to parent you. And recall that Malachi 4:6 says that in order for someone to father you, their heart has to first be turned toward you. It’s not your begging that makes someone a father or a mother. It’s their connecting with you first. Begging is a sign of the orphan spirit, that can only be displaced.
And that can only have it’s right perspective IF you first have the right Father in the first place. And what better Father can G-d give you than He Himself?
And if Father gives you no-one for a season or permanently, so that He can show you how He directly fathers you, then you might have to go without a human being for a season, so that Father can show you how to receive directly from him.
What does He lack with which to father you?