From the Desk of Arthur Burk: The Egyptian Heresy

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Arthur writes for those not familiar with this topic from the SLG vantage point.


I got an email today from someone trying to explain this to his church leadership and he asked for a bit more help. I decided to post here, since others might benefit from the explanation.

First of all, it is a term I invented. Each member of the Trinity is directly attacked with a perversion of their essence.

I call the perversion of the work of God the Father, the Edomite Heresy, the perversion of the work of Jesus Christ, the Babylonian Heresy and the perversion of the work of the Holy Spirit, the Egyptian Heresy.

We understand the Holy Spirit to be the mediator of the power of God to change the “laws of nature.” We call it a miracle when someone who is sick with cancer, and should die, according to the normal operation of the medical dynamics, is healed.

The Holy Spirit has full permission to change the laws of science for the glory of God, any time the Spirit wants.

The devil counters that by changing the laws of science for evil purposes. For example, take this verse.

2Co 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. NIV

For those who are practitioners of what is called “Egyptian spirituality” (ten millions hits on Google), their own description of it is “inside out, upside down, backwards.”

One manifestation of the Egyptian Heresy is in the health sector. In terms of medical issues we look for reversed outcomes.

I spoke with a pastor whose wife had been a vegan for 20 years and her cholesterol level was at 600. This is aberrant — an outcome that is opposite of her lifestyle and what we would expect from the laws of science.

I asked whether there was any Freemasonry in her family line and found a 33rd degree Mason as her father. Freemasonry is deeply vested in Egyptian spirituality.

Simply speaking, when I find an effect that is the opposite of what the cause should have been, I expect to find either the Holy Spirit doing a miracle or the devil using some form of Egyptian heresy to pervert the structures God has put in place.

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