Where We Confuse the Exhorter

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We confuse people for certain Redemptive Gifts at times, for a variety of reasons.
Let me address one in particular: the Exhorter.
Suppose you find yourself conversing with someone who is extremely social, and community-driven. Wherever they go, gathering a crowd is effortless.
As a result, you easily call them out as an Exhorter.
Except for one problem.
Several of the traits you would associate normally with the Exhorter are missing.
So, what could be missing?
It is possible that a person who is heavily community-driven and has a great deal of ROI when it comes to gathering crowds or working with people is not an Exhorter, but someone whose relationship with the Father, who is the G-d of community, and who brings a sense of belongingness, is the strongest of their three relationships with the members of the Trinity.
All day long, I can draw a crowd and am increasingly seen as a safe individual, but I do not believe it is because I am an Exhorter.
I think it is because I am strongest with Father.
This can become another diagnostic tool when you are mulling through your design.

10 thoughts on “Where We Confuse the Exhorter

  1. Thank you for this tidbit, explains a lot to me, and why in the back of my mind I have always called myself a secret eggs water, I have a strong relationship with Father, Love of community and as of late easily draw crowds without any effort!

  2. Thank you for this tidbit, explains a lot to me, and why in the back of my mind I have always called myself a secret eggs water, I have a strong relationship with Father, Love of community and as of late easily draw crowds without any effort!

  3. I am currently mulling over my design and feel as though I am pressed to play “catch up”, in so doing. Where can I find information on what the character traits are for each redemptive gift? Also, what is the proven path for properly identifying RGs, when the traits of more that one of them are present in a single person?

  4. I am currently mulling over my design and feel as though I am pressed to play “catch up”, in so doing. Where can I find information on what the character traits are for each redemptive gift? Also, what is the proven path for properly identifying RGs, when the traits of more that one of them are present in a single person?

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