The Twisted Seraph

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With Gratitude to David Falls for giving me the history of this, and with Gratitude to Arthur Burk for making portable a strategy for handling this critter:

I am not sharing this to get anyone’s attention or to brag about a weird spiritual experience. I am sharing this because it may be another tool that will help some of my peeps get free. One thing I cannot stand is when people use deliverance or their weird spiritual experiences as little more than playthings and curiosities with which to wow people rather than tools to liberate people.

In case you don’t learn anything about me, learn that I am big on the Principle of Freedom. Ruler or no, I love watching people move way past obedience to a place where the negative things that used to hold sway in their lives do not hold sway in their lives.


It is comforting when you got to a seminar or conference and you hear something that surprises everyone else and you say to yourself, “yeah, that makes sense already.” I draw a certain comfort knowing someone else independently dealt with something similar to something I or one of my friends have dealt with.

I had one of those familiar experiences in Seattle.

During the Seminar on Tough Spots in Inner Healing.

Arthur was talking to us in the afternoon session about deliverance and we got onto the topic of something that happened to a woman he had been working with in terms of the break between her and her intimacy with G-d.

He mentioned that what had been blocking her was the Black Kerub or the Dark Kerub. This is an entity that blocks us from receiving intimacy so we can experience G-d in an emotional connection.

He mentioned the words “Dark Kerub” and I was transported back to 2001.

I was in college as a Senior, and my best friend at the time, who led a prayer/warfare/deliverance ministry. We met several times a week to work on our own issues and junk, and to proceed to gather and mobilize a group to handle all of the darkness on our college’s campus. It was a total blast, and those first days, I learned what spiritual warfare and deliverance were, and I learned what it was like to free a place. I….love…seeing places and pieces of land freed.

One evening, as I was catching up on homework, I got stirred in my spirit and decided to walk over to Wendy’s house (Wendy owned the house on our campus where our group met) to see what was going on. David and Wendy along with a couple of other people had just gotten done doing some deliverance of a place on campus that was known for empowering a strong religious spirit.

And they told me the story of how they had encountered an spirit that resembled a seraph, but it was flipped.


Back in the present, Seattle, and the Dark Kerub made me call David a few weeks after to ask him what he remembered, because the details from 17 years ago were a bit sketchy.

  1. What he remembered the most was what it looked like and how it moved. The Twisted Seraph (TS), like any other seraph, was in a state of constant motion. It was incapable of sitting still.
  2. The TS was first encountered over the Office of the Chaplain, and empowered a strong religious spirit over our campus.
  3. It hated true worship.
  4. It stood in the way of unity among the believers on campus.
  5. It was bothered by those who were expressive in their worship.
  6. By “true worship”, I mean that the TS especially hated those who had a honest desire to worship G-d as an end in itself because they genuinely loved him, rather than to gain something.
    1. It was sensitive to worship in a way that other evil beings were not.
    2. In David’s words, “I have never seen anything THAT powerful be THAT reactive to genuine worship.”
    3. The possible reason for this? When you go to a point of real worship, it reminds the TS of what they had when they were in the Throne Room. It was not just a painful memory, but part of their hardwiring to declare, bask in, and speak to and about the Glory, Majesty, and Holiness of G-d, in ADDITION to peering into ALL of the depths of His Nature.
  7. In the case of the demonic, they just believe their own hype.
  8. When you hit the demonic with real revealed truth that is relevant to where they are, they cannot tolerate it.
    1. For example, Spirits of Fear live in fear. Spirits of Anger, possess and are consumed by genuine anger.
    2. We, on the other hand, have the free will to resist anger, even though we understand it to a degree.
  9. In the case of seraphs, “they came from a place of crazy levels of revelation of the holiness of G-d, and they departed that to embrace a lie. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. So, when you hit a TS with three seconds of genuine worship, the lie is ripped away, and suddenly they are forced to acknowledge who He is.”
  10. From David: Rick Joyner has said that “one of the greatest deceptions is lukewarmness”. Our G-d is a consuming fire. You have to be crazy to be lukewarm. You have to rationalize lukewarmness.
  11. All someone has to do is hum three bars of a song, and everyone, including the lukewarm, is immediately confronted with who G-d is.
  12. The seraphs have imprinted in them a knowledge of the nature of G-d.
  13. When we in the prayer group were asking about the nature of TS’s, there was this sense that its like, the angels don’t often talk about the fallen seraphs. Somehow, their falling is a greater evil than some of the other classes falling. There is a depth of grief. Something about, for them, ‘oh how the mighty have fallen’. It’s bad that the angels fell, but there is less than no excuse for the seraphs to fall.
  14. “TS, more than any other demonic type I have seen, they seriously move. This thing, never stopped moving. Forever they were flapping their wings, and moving. Like a kid that could not sit still. Every part of this thing’s existence could not sit still. Think Agent Smith from the Matrix dodging bullets or a hummingbird.” Part of the seraph’s design and calling is motion.
  15. When we saw the TS, it still had six wings and it was obvious what we were dealing with.


This is something that I want y’all to home in on. Because seraphs are given to true worship of G-d, the TS is given toward advancing the agenda of anything that fights true and genuine worship (AKA: a religious spirit). These things advance the religious spirit. “If there was a spirit that wanted the end game of a Religious Spirit, TS would be it.


Following the encounter with the TS at Stetson, and following Seattle, I put together intuitively that, like the Dark Keruvim like to block us from receiving intimacy with G-d, the Twisted Seraphim are the ones that block us from true worship, from giving true worship to the L-rd. They can slow us in that arena.

Briefly, I want to note that I have worked with one person in tossing one of these critters out, and will keep y’all posted on the progress there.

Thus, if we are dealing with a TS, we might approach it with the same strategy that we use in dealing with the Dark Kerub (DK), or a Teflon Coated Critter, whose authority to be there come from other people. With the DK, we pit the weight of the accusations of those who accuse you of not having intimacy and not desiring intimacy against the witness of our desire for intimacy.

With the TS, we pit the weight of accusations that our worship and expressions of worship are invalid against the weight of the opinions of those who celebrate the validity and legitimacy of our worship and our unique expressions.

You have a unique expression of worship, and that expression is valid, and the Trinity’s opinion of how He designed you to worship, and how He hardwired you to express worship weigh more than all the accusations. And when you get that revelation, you can kick this critter out.

So, take that cut from Tough Spots in Inner Healing titled “Black Cherubim” and extend the principle in the direction of worship.

You were not just designed to receive intimacy. You were also designed to give true and genuine worship in accordance with your unique design.

2 thoughts on “The Twisted Seraph

  1. So when the lack of the ability to worship or have intimacy with God is occuring do you think that it is always these critters present? I consider reading, studying, getting into the Word, worship, and i have had a hard time getting into the Word for months, but no issues with getting into praise and worship, or studying other Godly material or books? I have come across this when working with othets also, never have felt like i got revelation or that aha moment on this!

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