My Review Of “When Your Call Is Blocked”

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Arthur Burk When Your Call is Blocked
Thanks to Megan Caldecourt for the cover art.
I have a list of 5 albums that are at the top of my SLG list.
5. Legitimacy-Because that is one of my personal banner messages with respect to anyone to whom I am ministering.
4. Onyx Business DNA-Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard’s biography absolutely melted me and the concept of creating environments of trust in the institutions we operate. Social Responsibility lights my fire, and this album is CRITICAL for anyone who wants to thoroughly understand the affection Father has for the Redemptive Teacher.
3. Joy Unstoppable-For the force that Father wants to put in you as his son as you walk those 100,000 steps
2. Life, Dominion, and Honor-The story of how the Trinity ministers to our spirit and the affection He has for South Carolina is infectious.
1. When Your Call Is Blocked
This is my favorite teaching not merely because the subject is gripping (who doesn’t want to be free to pursue what G-d has called us to do?) and because it was the first time I had ever seen Arthur live. I got to understand the land dynamic differences between the U.S, and the Ontarian peninsula, where Toronto is located.
Arthur was excessively gracious in his presentation, and his compassion for people who are broken and powerless really shines through, despite the fact that it is holiness that he is discussing. I think he moved from Teacher to Mercy to Prophet in his presentation, honestly.
And this was not a lullaby time either, as he says in the opening monologue.
He really gives of his time in order to share the resources of the kingdom that are available for us to break through.
I learned from this that I am a Opener and a Closer of Seasons. I recognize the end of a season.
I also, when I was at this seminar, thought I was a Redemptive Gift of Teacher. I recognize now that this is not the case, but I was glad to be responsive.
There were things that resonated with me:
-artificial time
-the need to minister to land and the need for recognizing the need to transition from one piece of land to another smoothly
-the redefinition of community
-curses and devices on our marriage covenant as a result of marrying outside of G-d’s will because we yield to social pressures
-a SOLID definition of reconciliation, that makes us recognize that there are times when G-d pushes for reconciliation, and there ARE TIMES WHEN G-D SAYS YOU NEED TO BE ALIENATED FROM SOMEONE FROM A PRIOR SEASON SO THAT WE CAN MOVE FORWARD! I personally followed up that discussion on reconciliation and alienation with a question for what alienation looks like for a Teacher. The answer, and as soon as I finished asking the question, hit me in the face, and then a split second later, Arthur answered the question with the illustration of Samuel. G-d, at some point, told Samuel to quit mourning the loss of Saul, which was painful for him, but necessary.
I needed to hear that, because I had been living for years with the loss of friends, and the need to move forward.
If we fail to allow for alienation at the right times and seasons, when people do not accept our design, then that can become a severe blockage.
Seriously, I know I covered a few items, but this album is well worth the purchase if you are stuck and wonder why you are unable to advance toward your calling.
Thank you for your time on this one Arthur, and for being patient with me when I was clueless on my design in so many places.

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