Blessing of Stillness #6

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I call your spirit to attention, in whatever state it is or they are, broken or whole, overworked or at rest, thrown to the four winds or gathered, astir or serene, in the name of Yeshua.

Listen to the word of G-d for you for today

And on the seventh day G-d finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.
-Genesis 2:2-

Spirit, there was a moment of stillness in creation on the seventh day, that we call sabbath rest.  G-d, finishing His work, rested on the seventh day and set that day apart has a time to be still and watch the movement and interaction of His creation.  It had millions of working parts that all flowed together simultaneously.  Not one thing was out of place in all of creation.  Every hair on every mammal.  Every egg in ever spider web.  Every scale on every fish, every snowflake on every mountain peak, and every drop of water in every sea was completely in the right place.  Some things, like the mountains, were still and unmoving, while others, like the waters of the seas, were in constant motion.  To everything there was a divinely-crafted purpose.

Father, on the other hand, in the midst of all this interaction was in stilled consideration of His creation.  In the midst of all that was astir, He was not.  His volcanic landslide of activity in creating great whales, of structuring the forest canopies, of tender creation of every fleck of every bird feather, of the delicate creation of the Confederate Jasmine, of the ever-present aroma and stinging thorn of the rose, and of the untapped potential within the frankincense and cacao trees, was finished.

Father was enjoying His office of Fatherhood deeply.  He was enjoying not only every aspect of his creation, but also savoring the untapped potential of what would be.

He was savoring the day many thousands of years forward when he would share with George Washington Carver the secret of the peanut in synthetics.

And the day when the natives of Middle America would ferment the first cacao beans to make chocolate.

And the day when the first layer of raw fish would be served over vinegared rice for the purpose of making sushi.

And the day when fried cod was perfected in New England.

And the day when Walt Disney would perfect the celluloid syncronicity of motion picture animation.

And the day when Dwight Eisenhower perfected the art of naval warfare for the liberation of the Jewish people.

And the days of a hundred other discoveries.

Father was also repeatedly savoring the repeated manifestation of the day called “Today”, when hearts among His children would choose a place of softness, when they would not harden their hearts, citing future historical event called the rebellion at Meribah and Massah, when His children would labor to enter into His rest.

And most importantly, Father was savoring the day called Tomorrow, when he would give Adam his first assignment of naming animals.  He was savoring showing Man the untapped potential within his spirit.  He was savoring the time that would find Him walking in the cool of the day with His creation, discussing the various needs of both the garden and the non-garden parts of the world.  He was savoring the conversations of landscaping and animal husbandry, and herpatology, and animal husbandry.  He was thinking about how He was going to continue to work in their lives.

And in response to the coming Fall, He was savoring the ultimate manifestation of the Man, Christ Jesus, who was crucified before the creation of the world for all of what was to come, because even in the stillness, the Father’s heart was for reconciliation and for showing us the way home even before we screwed it up.  He was so concerned with our losing our way that He made a way and a propitiation for sin even before the first jot and tittle of the Law was put down to paper.

For when the Father is all-in in a situation, even His silences and stillnesses are preoccupied with the desire for and yearning for what will come, that will be as sweet as New England Maple Syrup fresh from the wood-fired boiler vats of Shelburne Falls, and poured freshly-hot over pancakes.

Spirit, there is a place of stillness that includes the opportunity for joyous rest before we resume work.

With this rest comes the opportunity to be with our families, our friends, and those that we enjoy connecting with.

And we can have moments concerning our employment.

We can have the moment to savor the creativity that is available to us as a gift from our Father.

We can have the chance to learn something new.

We can meditate on those things the Father has shown us.

We can push aside the burden that is attached to our work.

And we can do something that actualizes our creativity.

But many people just want to go back to work and work for the man and not think about the deeper stuff, the work in service of our calling, anointing, birthright, and destiny.

Instead of just going to work and going home during the day you have to rest doing nothing, there is an opportunity to engage in your work in such a way that it leads you towards your purpose.

“FOR THIS CAUSE”….Matthew 19:5.

Also, when you engage in rest in the right way, you can remain in the rest in which Father wants you to engage, and also permit Him the opportunity to speak into your life.

So, I bless you, spirit, with the capacity to enter into the place of Father’s rest on a regular and consistent basis.

I bless you with the desire to celebrate G-d’s faithfulness on whatever your day of rest is.

I bless you with the freedom from the pressures of the religious culture to have a day of rest that actually is a day of rest.

I bless you with a sabbath rest as a time of stillness where you can really hear from and connect with the Father of all Rest.

I bless you to engage your work in such a way that you find your destiny, while also knowing that your rest will be toward the purpose of sustaining your cause and purpose for the long haul.

I bless you to work apart from the burden.

I bless you as you labor and are heavy laden, to come to Him, so that He can give you rest, and as you take His yoke upon you, and learn from Him, in the still places, He will give all of you rest.

I bless you to not be intimidated to take up work that will lead to the possession of all He has for you.

I bless you to find the moment of stillness wherein He will provide you with the deep breath that will keep you from apprehension over His destiny for you.

I bless you to see more of the end from the beginning, and to persevere in Him and with Him.

I bless you with these deep treasures in the name of Yeshua.

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